Supplier/Vendor Rating Subtask

Use this subtask to view performance ratings for the supplier/vendor record or row selected on the Supplier/Vendor Rating tab.


All the performance ratings displayed on this subtask are read-only and come from the contract/subcontract record on the Manage Contracts or Manage Subcontracts screen where the ratings for the vendor were entered.

The fields are also identical to the fields on the Supplier/Vendor Rating subtask in Manage Contracts or Manage Subcontracts. Costpoint calculates the total performance score and percentage for the vendor based on the scores corresponding to the rating codes on the subtask.

Field Description
Supplier/Vendor Rating Description

These fields display the supplier/vendor rating descriptions as set up on the Manage Supplier Vendor Rating Descriptions screen. Rating descriptions are grouped into four categories:

  • Responsiveness/Innovation
  • Customer Service, Quality and Delivery
  • Financial
  • Relationship

Each category has five rating descriptions that are used to evaluate the supplier/vendor.

Rating fields

These fields display the vendor rating code for a specific supplier/vendor rating description. Valid values are only those that exist on the Manage Supplier Vendor Rating Codes screen. The rating code corresponds to a specific score as set up in Manage Supplier Vendor Rating Codes.

Comments For each of the four rating categories, a comments box is displayed. This text box contains additional comments associated with the rating category for the vendor.