Contents of the Manage Microframe EOC Mappings Screen

Use these fields and options to configure the Manage Microframe EOC Mappings screen.


Field Description
Mapping ID

Enter a mapping ID to identify this particular mapping table. The ID can refer to a specific project or to a group of projects.


Enter a description for this particular mapping table.

Load Accounts

Click this button to automatically load and display all active detail-level accounts that require a project. The EOC code is set to the first character of the account name. 

Note: Errors may occur if you attempt to save the mapping and the first character does not meet the validation criteria for EOC codes (as defined by Microframe; see the documentation for the EOC column).

Table Window

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the account to be mapped. The account must exist in the Account table.


Enter a valid Microframe EOC code to be assigned to the account. Valid codes are capital letters from A to Z. You can have only 13 codes per mapping table.

Screen Error Messages

  • Account does not exist.
  • The account entered does not exist in the Account table. Use Lookup to view a list of valid accounts.
  • EOC code is invalid.
  • The EOC code must be a capital letter. Any letter from "A" to "Z" is valid.
  • Too many EOC codes exist. The number of EOC codes is limited to 13.
  • Microframe is limited to 13 EOC codes. This table has more than 13 codes in it; one or more must be changed.
  • You must have at least one mapping.
  • You cannot save a mapping table that has no rows in it. You must enter at least one mapping or exit the screen without saving the data.