Addresses Tab

Use this tab to enter the billing and remittance address for this invoice. Update it before saving the invoice.

Bill Address

The billing address defaults from the Project Billing Information table. You can modify this default.

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the code of the address to which you want to submit this invoice. This billing address must be valid for the customer being invoiced. The address information is brought in after you select the address code.

Line 1, Line 2, Line 3

Enter the street address in these fields.


Enter the city in this field.


Enter, or click to select, the state/province in this field. If you skip ahead to enter the Postal Code first, and that postal code has already been used in Costpoint, the state/province information is automatically brought into the screen, but you can modify it. However, modifications affect the default information located on the Manage Postal Codes screen.


Enter, or click to select, the country code for this address. If you skip ahead to enter the Postal Code first, and that postal code has already been used in Costpoint, the country information is automatically brought into the screen, but you can modify it. However, modifications do not affect the default information located on the Manage Postal Codes screen.

Postal Code

Enter, or click to select, the postal code for this address. Note that the Postal Code brings in the city, state/province, and country code if they have not already been entered. The first time you use a postal code, Costpoint stores the city, state/province, and country code in its table. From then on, if you enter the postal code first, it brings in the other information, but you can modify it. However, modifications do not affect the default information located on the Manage Postal Codes screen.

Remit To

Enter, or click to select, a remittance address. Remittance addresses shown in are from the Remittance Address table. The default comes from the default remittance address on the Configure Billing Settings screen.

Field Description

Enter or use to select the remittance address where you would like your customer to send their payment. You set up remittance addresses on the Manage Remittance Addresses screen when you initialize Costpoint Billing. The address information is brought in after you select the address code.

Line 1, Line 2, Line 3

Enter the street address in these fields.


Enter the city in this field.


Enter, or click to select, the state/province in this field. If you skip ahead to enter the Postal Code first, and that postal code has already been used in Costpoint, the state/province information is automatically brought into the screen, but you can modify it. However, modifications do not affect the default information located on the Manage Postal Codes screen.


Enter, or click to select, the country code for this address. If you skip ahead to enter the Postal Code first, and that postal code has already been used in Costpoint, the country information is automatically brought into the screen, but you can modify it. However, modifications do not affect the default information located on the Manage Postal Codes screen.

Postal Code

Enter, or click to select, the postal code for this address. Note that the postal code brings in the city, state/province, and country code if they have not already been entered. The first time you use a postal code, Costpoint stores the city, state/province, and country code in its table. From then on, if you enter the postal code first, it brings in the other information, but you can modify it. However, modifications do not affect the default information located on the Manage Postal Codes screen.