Contents of the Manage Supporting Schedule Formats Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Supporting Schedule Formats screen.


Field Description

Enter an ID code for of the supporting schedule that you are establishing. This ID code can be up to six alphanumeric characters in length. It is used on the Manage Project Billing Information screen to link the supporting schedule to the bill.


Enter the description of the supporting schedule you are establishing. You can enter a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters.

Show Non-Labor

Use this group box with the non-labor supporting schedules.

Field Description
Suppress (1035 Format Only)

Select this check box to suppress the printing of any supporting schedules for bills that have been established on the Manage Project Billing Information screen as government 1035 Format. Because Government 1035 Formats are not defined on a line-by-line basis on the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen, there is no mechanism for identifying whether a supporting schedule is required. Therefore, supporting schedules are calculated automatically for each line unless you select this check box. 

If you do not wish to print any type of supporting schedule for a bill that uses the 1035 format, do not enter a supporting schedule code on the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

You can use this check box to print a supporting schedule for a portion of the bill. For example, if you want to print a supporting schedule for non-labor but not for labor or units, do not select the Suppress (1035 Format Only) check box in the Show Non-Labor group box, but do select the check box in the Show Labor and Units group boxes. You can then print a supporting schedule for non-labor only.

Cumulative Columns

If you select this check box, the Cumulative Hours and Cumulative Amount columns are printed.


If you select this check box, the line notes that have been entered for the vouchers and journal entries are printed.

Show Units

Use this group box with the unit supporting schedules.

Field Description
Suppress (1035 Format Only)

Select this check box to suppress the printing of any supporting schedules for bills that have been established on the Manage Project Billing Information screen as Government 1035 Format. Because Government 1035 Formats are not defined on a line-by-line basis on the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen, there is no mechanism for identifying if a supporting schedule is required. Therefore, supporting schedules are calculated automatically for each line unless you select this check box.

If you do not wish to print any type of supporting schedule for a bill that uses the 1035 format, do not enter a supporting schedule code on the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

You can use this check box to print a supporting schedule for a portion of the bill. For example, if you want to print a supporting schedule for units but not for labor or non-labor, do not select the Suppress (1035 Format Only) check box in the Show Units group box, but do select the check box in the Show Labor and Non-Labor group boxes. You can then print a supporting schedule for units only.

Cumulative Columns

If you select this check box, the Cumulative Hours and Cumulative Amount columns are printed.


If you select this check box, the line notes that have been entered for the vouchers and journal entries are printed.

Show Labor

Use this group box with the labor supporting schedules.

Field Description
Suppress (1035 Format Only)

Select this check box to suppress the printing of any supporting schedules for bills that have been established on the Manage Project Billing Information screen as Government 1035 Format. Because Government 1035 Formats are not defined on a line-by-line basis on the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen, there is no mechanism for identifying whether a supporting schedule is required. Therefore, supporting schedules are calculated automatically for each line unless suppressed by this check box.

If you do not wish to print any type of supporting schedule for a bill that uses the 1035 format, do not enter a supporting schedule code on the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

You can use this check box to print a supporting schedule for a portion of the bill. For example, if you want to print a supporting schedule for labor but not for non-labor or units, do not select the Suppress (1035 Format Only) check box in the Show Labor group box, but do select the check box in the Show Non-Labor and Units group boxes. You can then print a supporting schedule for labor only.

Cumulative Columns

If you select this check box, the Cumulative Hours and Cumulative Amount columns are printed.

Hours Only

If you select this check box, Amount columns are not printed on this supporting schedule. This selection works with the Manage Users screen. If the Labor Suppress check box has not been selected on the Manage Users screen, you have rights to view labor amounts and, thus, have the option of suppressing the labor amounts for this report by selecting the Hours Only box.

If the Labor check box in the Data Suppression group box has been selected on the Manage Users screen for your user ID, you do not have rights to view labor amounts and the report always prints without the labor amounts. Only a user whose user ID has the Labor check box cleared on the Manage Users screen can print supporting schedules that have complete information, including hours and amounts.

Employee/Vendor Information

If you select this check box, the name of the employee or vendor who charged time is printed. Also see the Timesheet Date and Timesheet Comments information.

Timesheet Date

If you select this check box, individual timesheet dates are printed on the report. This selection is disabled if the Employee/Vendor Information check box is not selected.

Timesheet Comments

If you select this check box, any line comments entered with the timesheets are printed. This selection is disabled if the Timesheet Date check box is not selected.

Non T&M Labor Category

Use this group box to control the type of labor category that appears on the supporting schedule for non-T&M projects. Valid options are:

  • GLC (General Labor Category)
  • PLC (Project Labor Category)

Select the appropriate labor category type for your supporting schedule. (For T&M projects, the labor category is always PLC.)