ACRN/FMS Worksheet Subtask

Use this subtask to indicate whether the account is ACRN (Accounting Classification Reference Number) or FMS (Foreign Military Sales).

You can also enter the total ACRN or FMS amount. This subtask is available only for progress payment invoice types.

Costpoint's ACRN functionality is now compatible with iRAPT functionality but only for standard invoices. You must select the Use ACRN Mapping option, and the Billing Requirement in the Manage ACRN Bills screen must be ACRN/Line Item or ACRN/Line Item with Mapping. You must compute the ACRN allocation before creating the iRAPT billing file.


Field Description

Enter the ACRN or FMS code. You can enter up to three, upper-case alphanumeric characters. Each code must be unique. Be sure to use a valid two-letter FMS code.

The ACRN/FMS (Accounting Classification Reference Number/ Foreign Military Sales) codes are not tied to the new Costpoint ACRN functionality because the source records for iRAPT come from the BILL_EDIT_DETL table, and ACRN is not contained in that table.


Enter the total ACRN or FMS amount. The total FMS/ACRN amount must equal the invoice total.