Billing Requirement Without Mapping for ACRN/Line Item - LIFO

Use this section to see examples of calculations for ACRN/Line Item without mapping using the Last In First Out (LIFO) methodology.

Requirement: If there is more than one ACRN within a contract line item, the payment office makes payment in sequential ACRN order within the line item, exhausting all funds in the previous ACRN before paying from the next ACRN. 

When you use the LIFO method, the ACRN value is compared to each Line Item/Subline Item to determine which ACRN funds to exhaust first. AB/0001AB is exhausted before using funds from AA/0001AA. You are responsible for assigning the correct Sequence Number to the ACRN value (for example, you must link AA/0001AA to Sequence Number 1 and AB/0001AB to Sequence Number 2).


A contract is awarded with the following Accounting Classification data:

Line Item Subline Item ACRN Accounting Appropriation Number Funding Amt
0001 0001AA AA 5793400309475A110704040004081572806F503000 F03000 15,000.00
0001 0001AB AB 8893400309475A110704040004081572806F336000 F07700 11,000.00
0001 0001AC AB 8893400309475A110704040004081572806F336000 F07700 12,000.00
0002 0002AA AC 2589700309475A110704040004081572806F503000 DC4000 14,000.00
0002 0002AB AC 2589700309475A110704040004081572806F503000 DC4000 10,000.00
0002 0002AC AD 3556661253475A110704040004081572806F336000 KA7750 12,500.00
0003 AE 7765658810475A110704040004081572806F336000 C15500 45,000.00

Project Setup Data:

Project Number:  USN0418

Billing Level:      USN0418

The ACRN/Line Item data is set up as follows on the Manage ACRN Bills screen. On the Manage ACRN Bills screen, you can use the Line Item/ACRN combination or the Subline Item/ACRN combination, but you cannot use a Line Item/Subline Item/ACRN combination. You can mix the combinations for one project (for example, link ACRN/Subline AA/0001AA and link ACRN/Line Item AE/0003 to the same project).

Using the preceding Accounting Classification data, you enter data on the Manage ACRN Bills screen as follows:

Seq No ACRN SLIN/Line Item Active Original ACRN Funding ACRN Modification Value Total ACRN Value Previous ACRN Allocation Value Remaining ACRN Allocation Value
1 AA 0001AA Y 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00
2 AB 0001AB Y 11,000.00 0.00 11,000.00 0.00 11,000.00
3 AB 0001AC Y 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00
4 AC 0002AA Y 14,000.00 0.00 14,000.00 0.00 14,000.00
5 AC 0002AB Y 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00
6 AD 0002AC Y 12,500.00 0.00 12,500.00 0.00 12,500.00
7 AE 0003 Y 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00

A Standard Bill (calculated by the Calculate Standard Bills screen) produces the following invoice amounts for Project USN0418 (SUM(MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR).

USN0418:  82,500.00

Calculation Logic

Determine the ACRN/Line Item linked to greatest ACRN Sequence Number value and available balance;

AE/0003 is the 7th Sequence Number.  (SEQ_NO = 7)

Verify the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL value for the Sequence Number. If the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y, continue calculation. If PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = N, end calculation.  

The PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y for SEQ_NO = 7. Continue calculation.

Calculate the ACRN/Line Item allocation amounts by performing the following calculation:

Determine Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

Amount Remaining to be Allocated equals SUM(MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR minus Allocation amounts already calculated for the CURRENT invoice.

SUM (MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR for Project USN0418: 82,500.00
Subtract any allocation amounts with an ACRN Sequence Number > 7. None exists. -        0.00
Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated 82,500.00

Determine the available AE/0003 funding balance.


The Remaining ACRN Allocation Value amount is used: 45,000.00

Allocate the smaller of the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value or Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

The Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated, 82,500.00, is greater than the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value of 45,000.00 for AE/0003; so Costpoint allocates 45,000.00 to AE/0003 for Project USN0418.

Check for the existence of an ACRN Sequence Number < 7. Sequence Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 exist.  Use the highest Sequence Number remaining for the next step in the calculation.

AD/0002AC is the 6th Sequence Number. (SEQ_NO = 6)

Verify the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL value for the Sequence Number. If the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y, continue calculation. If PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = N, end calculation.

The PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y for SEQ_NO = 6. Continue calculation.

Calculate the AD/0002AC allocation amount by performing the following calculation:

Determine Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

Amount Remaining to be Allocated equals SUM (MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR minus Allocation amounts already calculated for the CURRENT invoice.

SUM(MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR for Project USN0418:   82,500.00
Subtract any allocation amounts with an ACRN Sequence Number > 6, ACRN Sequence #7, AE/0003:  -45,000.00
Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated  37,500.00

Determine the available AD/0002AC funding balance. 


The Remaining ACRN Allocation Value amount is used: 12,500.00

Allocate the smaller of the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value or Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

The Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated, 37,500.00, is greater than the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value of 12,500.00 for AD/0002AC; so Costpoint allocates 12,500.00 to AD/0002AC for the project.

Check for the existence of an ACRN Sequence Number < 6. Sequence Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 exist. Use the highest Sequence Number remaining for the next step in the calculation.

AC/0002AB is the 5th Sequence Number. (SEQ_NO = 5)

Verify the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL value for the Sequence Number. If the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y, continue calculation. If PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = N, end calculation. 

The PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y for SEQ_NO = 5. Continue calculation.

Calculate the AC/0002AB allocation amount by performing the following calculation:

Determine Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

Amount Remaining to be Allocated equals SUM (MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR minus Allocation amounts already calculated for the CURRENT invoice.

SUM(MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR for Project USN0418:   82,500.00
Subtract any allocation amounts with an ACRN Sequence Number > 5:
     ACRN Sequence #6, AD/0002AC - 12,500.00
     ACRN Sequence #7, AE/0003 - 45,000.00
Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated   25,000.00

Determine the available AC/0002AB funding balance. 


The Remaining ACRN Allocation Value amount is used: 10,000.00

Allocate the smaller of the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value or Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

The Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated, 25,000.00, is greater than the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value of 10,000.00 for AC/0002AB; so Costpoint allocates 10,000.00 to AC/0002AB for the project.

Check for the existence of an ACRN Sequence Number < 5. Sequence Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 exist. Use the highest Sequence Number remaining for the next step in the calculation.

AC/0002AA is the 4th Sequence Number. (SEQ_NO = 4)

Verify the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL value for the Sequence Number. If the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y, continue calculation. If PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = N, end calculation. 

The PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y for SEQ_NO = 4. Continue calculation.

Calculate the AC/0002AA allocation amount by performing the following calculation:

Determine Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

Amount Remaining to be Allocated equals SUM(MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR minus Allocation amounts already calculated for the CURRENT invoice.

SUM (MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR for Project USN0418:   82,500.00
Subtract any allocation amounts with an ACRN Sequence Number > 4:
     ACRN Sequence #5, AC/0002AB - 10,000.00
     ACRN Sequence #6, AD/0002AC - 12,500.00
     ACRN Sequence #7, AE/0003 - 45,000.00
Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated   15,000.00

Determine the available AC/0002AA funding balance. 


The Remaining ACRN Allocation Value amount is used: 14,000.00

Allocate the smaller of the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value or Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

The Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated, 15,000.00, is greater than the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value of 14,000.00 for AC/0002AA; so Costpoint allocates 14,000.00 to AC/0002AA for the project.

Check for the existence of an ACRN Sequence Number < 4. Sequence Numbers 1, 2, and 3 exist. Use the highest Sequence Number remaining for the next step in the calculation.

AB/0001AC is the 3rd Sequence Number. (SEQ_NO = 3)

Verify the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL value for the Sequence Number. If the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y, continue calculation. If PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = N, end calculation. 

The PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y for SEQ_NO = 3. Continue calculation.

Calculate the AB/0001AC allocation amount by performing the following calculation:

Determine Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

Amount Remaining to be Allocated equals SUM(MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR minus Allocation amounts already calculated for the CURRENT invoice.

SUM (MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR for Project USN0418   82,500.00
Subtract any allocation amounts with an ACRN Sequence Number > 3:
     ACRN Sequence #4, AC/0002AA - 14,000.00
     ACRN Sequence #5, AC/0002AB - 10,000.00
     ACRN Sequence #6, AD/0002AC - 12,500.00
     ACRN Sequence #7, AE/0003 - 45,000.00
Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated     1,000.00

Determine the available AB/0001AC funding balance. 


The Remaining ACRN Allocation Value amount is used:  12,000.00

Allocate the smaller of the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value or Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

The Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated, 1,000.00, is less than the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value of 12,000.00 for AB/0001AC; so Costpoint allocates 1,000.00 to AB/0001AC for the project.

Check for the existence of an ACRN Sequence Number < 3. Sequence Numbers 1 and 2 exist. Use the highest Sequence Number remaining for the next step in the calculation.

AB/0001AB is the 2nd Sequence Number. (SEQ_NO = 2)

Verify the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL value for the Sequence Number. If the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y, continue calculation. If PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = N, end calculation. 

The PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y for SEQ_NO = 2. Continue calculation.

Calculate the AB/0001AB allocation amount by performing the following calculation:

Determine Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

Amount Remaining to be Allocated equals SUM (MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR minus Allocation amounts already calculated for the CURRENT invoice.

SUM (MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR for Project USN0418:   82,500.00
Subtract any allocation amounts with an ACRN Sequence Number > 2:
     ACRN Sequence #3, AB/0001AC   - 1,000.00
     ACRN Sequence #4, AC/0002AA - 14,000.00
     ACRN Sequence #5, AC/0002AB - 10,000.00
     ACRN Sequence #6, AD/0002AC - 12,500.00
     ACRN Sequence #7, AE/0003 - 45,000.00
Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated           0.00

Determine the available AB/0001AB funding balance. 


The Remaining ACRN Allocation Value amount is used: 11,000.00

Allocate the smaller of the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value or Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

The Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated, 0.00, is less than the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value of 11,000.00 for AB/0001AB; so Costpoint allocates 0.00 to AB/0001AB for the project.

Check for the existence of an ACRN Sequence Number < 2. Sequence Number 1 exists. Use the highest Sequence Number remaining for the next step in the calculation.

AA/0001AA is the 1st Sequence Number. (SEQ_NO = 1)

Verify the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL value for the Sequence Number. If the PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y, continue calculation. If PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = N, end calculation. 

The PROJ_ACRN_DETL.ACTIVE_FL = Y for SEQ_NO = 1. Continue calculation.

Calculate the AA/0001AA allocation amount by performing the following calculation:

Determine Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

Amount Remaining to be Allocated equals SUM(MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR minus Allocation amounts already calculated for the CURRENT invoice.

SUM (MU_INVC_AMT) in BILL_EDIT_INVC_HDR for Project USN0418:   82,500.00
Subtract any allocation amounts with an ACRN Sequence Number > 1:
     ACRN Sequence #2, AB/0001AB         - 0.00
     ACRN Sequence #3, AB/0001AC   - 1,000.00
     ACRN Sequence #4, AC/0002AA - 14,000.00
     ACRN Sequence #5, AC/0002AB - 10,000.00
     ACRN Sequence #6, AD/0002AC - 12,500.00
     ACRN Sequence #7, AE/0003 - 45,000.00
Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated           0.00

Determine the available AA/0001AA funding balance. 


The Remaining ACRN Allocation Value amount is used:  15,000.00

Allocate the smaller of the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value or Amount Remaining to be Allocated.

The Project USN0418 Amount Remaining to be Allocated, 0.00, is less than the Remaining ACRN Allocation Value of 15,000.00 for AA/0001AA; allocate 0.00 to AA/0001AA for the project.

Check for the existence of an ACRN Sequence Number < 1. None exists, end calculation.

ACRN SLIN/Line Item Allocation Amount
AA 0001AA          0.00
AB 0001AB          0.00
AB 0001AC   1,000.00
AC 0002AA 14,000.00
AC 0002AB 10,000.00
AD 0002AC 12,500.00
AE 0003 45,000.00
Total Allocation 82,500.00