Subcontractor Address/Contact Info Subtask

Use this subtask to view address and contact details of the subcontractor associated with the subcontract.

Contact and address information that display on this subtask are for the subcontractor entered in the Subcontractor/Vendor ID field on the General tab of Manage Subcontracts.


Field Description
Address Code This field displays the code that identifies the subcontractor address.
Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3 These fields display the street address and any address information other than the city, state/province, country, or postal code.
City This field displays the city.
State/Province This field displays the state or province.
Postal Code This field displays the postal code associated with the city, state/province, and country.
Country This field displays the country code.
Payment Address

This field displays one of the following values:

  • Default: This indicates that the address code defaults automatically in the voucher.
  • Yes: This indicates that the address code is a remittance or payment address.
  • No: This indicates that the address code is not a payment or remittance address.
Phone Number This field displays the phone number for the address.
Fax Number This field displays the fax number for the address.
Other Number This field displays the other number for the address.
Email Address This field displays the email address for the address.
Order Address

This field displays one of the following values:

  • Default: This indicates that the address code defaults automatically in the purchase order.
  • Yes: This indicates that the address code is a valid order address.
  • No: This indicates that the address code is not for an order address.


Subtask Description
Contacts Click this link to open the Contacts subtask, where you can view contacts associated with the subcontractor address.