Contents of the View Phone Numbers Screen
Use the View Phone Numbers screen to view the selected employee's phone information entered on the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.
Selection Criteria
Field | Description |
Transaction Type |
Use the options in this group box to select which types of transactions to include when selecting records for display in the retrieved records table.
Field | Description |
Employee |
Enter, or click
User |
Enter, or click
Date Modified |
Enter, or click
Employee Phone
Field | Description |
Transaction Type |
The transaction type field displays the if the record has been added, deleted, updated or not changed. |
Transaction Source |
The transaction source field displays the application where the update to the audit record originated. |
Modified By |
The user ID for the person who modified the record. |
Date Modified |
The date the record was modified. |
Employee ID |
The employee ID for the record. |
Employee Name |
The employee name for the record. |
Phone Number |
This non-editable field displays the phone number that is on record for the employee in the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen. |
Extension |
This non-editable field displays the extension, if applicable, for the phone number that is on record for the employee in the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen. |
Phone Type |
This non-editable field displays the phone type description associated with the phone number. |
Sequence |
This non-editable field displays the sequence for the phone number. |