Contents of the View Bank Reconciliation Summary Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen.

Select Bank Account

Field Description
Bank Abbr

Enter, or click to select, the bank abbreviation for the bank whose account you are reconciling with your books.

When you enter a bank abbreviation, the description for the bank abbreviation automatically displays in the field to the right.


This non-editable field displays the currency in which the bank is keeping your company's funds.

Select Timing

Field Description
Fiscal Year

Enter a fiscal year for which you want to view bank reconciliation data. You can also click to select a fiscal year from a list.


Enter an accounting period for which you want to view bank reconciliation data. You can also click to select an accounting period from a list.

Table Window

This table window displays a non-editable bank reconciliation in summary format for a specified fiscal year and period.

For General Ledger items, the table displays the beginning book balance and the period totals for cash receipts, cash disbursements, and manual adjustments. Costpoint calculates and displays the ending book balance from this data.

For Bank Statement items, the table displays the last bank statement ending balance, deposits in transit, outstanding checks and manual adjustments, and unmatched cash receipts and disbursements. Costpoint calculates and displays the adjusted bank statement balance.

Costpoint calculates the summary totals that display in this table from data that exists in the Bank Transactions History table. Before you can view data in this screen, you must first run the Create Bank Transactions History process and/or have entered manual adjustment data. Detail G/L transactions that were copied from A/P, C/R, and/or P/R tables, as well as previously entered manual adjustments, can be viewed, matched to bank transactions, and cleared or uncleared in the Accept Bank Transactions screen.

As an alternative to viewing the data in this screen, you can print the displayed summary data from the Print Bank Reconciliation Summary Report screen. You can print the transactions detail data from the Print Bank Reconciliation Detail Reports screen.

Field Description
G/L Period Ending Date

The G/L period ending date for the selected period in the header automatically displays and cannot be edited.

Bank Statement Ending Date

The bank statement ending date set up on the Manage Bank Statement Information screen for the fiscal year and period selected in the header automatically displays and cannot be edited.

Beginning Book Balance

This non-editable field displays the General Ledger balance for the G/L account/org(s) linked with this bank abbreviation for the G/L period and fiscal year before the fiscal year and period selected in the screen header.

Cash Receipts

This non-editable field displays the total of the G/L cash receipts transactions for the G/L account/org(s) linked with this bank abbreviation for the G/L fiscal year and period selected in the screen header. The value in this field includes both cleared and outstanding C/R transactions (Code is CLR and/or OUT). Use the C/R Per Books subtask to view the detail transactions that comprise this total. If you have a zero balance in this field, refer to the Hint at the end of this section for some possible reasons.

Cash Disbursements

This non-editable field displays the total of the G/L cash disbursements (from A/P or P/R) transactions for the G/L account/org(s) linked with this bank abbreviation for the G/L fiscal year and period selected in the screen header. The value in this field includes both cleared and outstanding transactions (Code is CLR and/or OUT). Use the C/D Per Books subtask to view the detail transactions that comprise this total. If you have a zero balance in this field, refer to the Hint at the end of this section for a list of possible reasons.

Manual Adjustments

This non-editable field displays the total of all manual adjustment transaction data entered in the Accept Bank Transactions screen for the G/L fiscal year and period selected in the screen header. The value in this field includes both cleared and outstanding transactions (Code is CLR and/or OUT).

Use the Manual Adj subtask to view the detail transactions that comprise this total. If you have a zero balance in this field, refer to the Hint at the end of this section for some possible reasons.

Ending Book Balance

Costpoint calculates the value that displays in this non-editable field. Costpoint adds or subtracts (as appropriate) the Cash Receipts, Cash Disbursements, and Manual Adjustments totals to/from the Beginning Book Balance value. The ending book balance must be equal to the General Ledger balance for the G/L account/org(s) linked with this bank abbreviation for the G/L fiscal year and period ending date selected in the screen header.

Bank Statement Ending Balance

This non-editable field displays the balance for the bank statement ending date selected in the screen header. This data was originally entered on the Enter/Manage Bank Statement Information screen.

Deposits in Transit

This non-editable field displays the total of all G/L cash receipts transactions for the G/L account/org(s) linked with this bank abbreviation for all outstanding transactions (Code is OUT). This value must include all outstanding transactions for all prior periods up to and including the G/L fiscal year and period displayed in the screen header. Use the Deposits in Transit subtask to view the detail transactions that comprise this total. If you have a zero balance in this field, refer to the Hint at the end of this section for some possible reasons.

Outstanding Checks

This non-editable field displays the total of all G/L cash disbursements transactions for the G/L account/org(s) linked with this bank abbreviation for all outstanding transactions (Code is OUT). This value must include all outstanding transactions for all prior periods up to and including the G/L fiscal year and period selected in the screen header. Use the Outstanding Chks subtask to view the detail transactions that comprise this total. If you have a zero balance in this field, refer to the Hint at the end of this section for some possible reasons.

Outstanding Manual Adjustments

This non-editable field displays the total of all manual adjustments entered in the Accept Bank Transactions screen for this bank abbreviation for all outstanding transactions (Code is OUT). This value must include all outstanding transactions for all prior periods up to and including the G/L fiscal year and period selected in the screen header. Use the Outstanding Adj subtask to view the detail transactions that comprise this total. If you have a zero balance in this field, refer to the Hint at the end of this section for some possible reasons.

Bank Statement Outstanding Items

This non-editable field displays the total of all bank statement outstanding items entered in the Accept Bank Transactions screen for this bank abbreviation for all outstanding transactions (Code is OUT). This value must include all outstanding transactions for all prior periods up to and including the G/L fiscal year and period selected in the screen header. Use the Bank Stmt O/I link to view the detail transactions that comprise this total.

Unmatched Cash Receipts

This non-editable field displays the total of all G/L cash receipts transactions for the G/L account/org(s) linked with this bank abbreviation for all cleared transactions (Code is CLR) that do not match items from the bank statement. This value must include all unmatched C/R transactions that have not yet been resolved for all prior periods up to and including the G/L fiscal year and period selected in the screen header. Use the Unmatched C/R subtask to view the detail transactions that comprise this total. If you have a zero balance in this field, refer to the Hint at the end of this section for some possible reasons.

Unmatched Cash Disbursements

This non-editable field displays the total of all G/L disbursement transactions for the G/L account/org(s) linked with this bank abbreviation for all cleared transactions (Code is CLR) that do not match items from the bank statement. This value must include all unmatched A/P and/or P/R transactions that have not yet been resolved for all prior periods up to and including the G/L fiscal year and period selected in the screen header. Use the Unmatched C/D subtask to view the detail transactions that comprise this total. If you have a zero balance in this field, refer to the Hint at the end of this section for some possible reasons.

Unmatched Manual Adjustments

This non-editable field displays the total of unmatched manual adjustments. These adjustments can be from either the current period or from prior periods.

Adjusted Bank Balance

Costpoint calculates the value that displays in this non-editable field. Costpoint adds or subtracts (as appropriate) the Deposits in Transit, Outstanding Checks, Manual Adjustments, Unmatched Cash Receipts, and Unmatched Cash Disbursements totals to/from the Bank Statement Ending Balance value. In a reconciled condition, the adjusted bank balance value must be equal to the General Ledger balance (Ending Book Balance on this screen) for the G/L account/org(s) linked with this bank abbreviation for the G/L fiscal year and period ending date selected in the screen header.

Note that a zero balance in any of the transactions fields - Cash Receipts, Cash Disbursements, Manual Adjustments, Deposits in Transit, Outstanding Checks, Outstanding Manual Adjustments, Unmatched Cash Receipts, and/or Unmatched Cash Disbursements - may be the result of any of the following conditions:

  • You have not run the Create Bank Transactions History process and/or entered any manual adjustments in the Accept Bank Transactions screen. As a result, there are no detail transactions in the Bank Transactions History table.
  • There are no transactions in the Bank Transactions History table that qualify against your selection criteria.
  • Transactions exist, but one or more positive entries offset one or more negative entries so that the net result is zero. You can confirm this situation by viewing the appropriate subtasks to view the detail for the affected types of transactions.

In addition, the following situation may cause Unmatched Cash Receipts and/or Unmatched Cash Disbursements to have a zero balance:

  • You have not cleared cash receipts and/or checks using the Accept Bank Transactions and/or Process Batch Bank Transactions screens. As a result, there are no instances of unmatched transactions in the Bank Transactions History table.


Subtask Description
C/R per Books Click the C/R per Books link to view a bank's cash receipts detail transactions per the General Ledger.
C/D per Books Click the C/D per Books link to view a bank's cash disbursements detail transactions (from Accounts Payable and/or Payroll) per the General Ledger.
Manual Adj Click the Manual Adj link to view the manual adjustment transaction data that was entered on the Accept Bank Transactions screen for the bank.
Deposits in Transit Click the Deposits in Transit link to view the cash receipts transactions for the General Ledger account and organizations linked with this bank for all outstanding transactions (Code = OUT).
Outstanding Chks Click the Outstanding Chks link to view the outstanding cash disbursements transactions (from Accounts Payable or Payroll) for the General Ledger account and organizations that are linked with this bank.
Outstanding Adj Click the Outstanding Adj link to view the outstanding manual adjustment transactions that were entered on the Accept Bank Transactions screen for the bank.
Bank Stmt O/I Click the Bank Stmt O/I link to view bank statement outstanding items.
Unmatched C/R Click the Unmatched C/R link to view the cash receipts transactions for the General Ledger account and organizations that are linked with this bank for all cleared transactions (Code = CLR) that do not match items from the bank statement.
Unmatched C/D Click the Unmatched C/D link to view the cash disbursements transactions for the General Ledger account and organizations that are linked with this bank for all cleared transactions (Code = CLR) that do not match items from the bank statement
Unmatched Adj Click the Unmatched Adj subtask link to view the outstanding manual adjustment transactions that were entered in the Accept Bank Transactions screen for the bank.