Contents of the Analyze Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Analyze Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

Taxable Entity

Field Description
Range Type

From the drop-down list select the type of Taxable Entity range to be included in the processing. You can select one of the standard range types (All, Range, One, From Beginning, and To End). This field is disabled and displays All if you select the Taxable Entity Non-Contiguous Range check box.


Enter, or click to select, the starting value for the Taxable Entity range.


Enter, or click to select, the ending value for the Taxable Entity range.

Taxable Entity Non-Contiguous Range

Select this check box to select a non-contiguous range for Taxable Entity selection. Use the Taxable Entity Non-Contiguous Range subtask to select the range of items you would like to include in the processing.


Field Description
Range Type

From the drop-down list select the type of employee range to be included in the processing. You can select one of the standard range types (All, Range, One, From Beginning, and To End). This field is disabled and displays All if you select the Employee Non-Contiguous Range check box.


Enter, or click to select, the starting value for the employee range.


Enter, or click to select, the ending value for the employee range.

Employee Non-Contiguous Range

Select this check box to select a non-contiguous range for employee selection. Use the Employee Non-Contiguous Range subtask to select the range of items you would like to include in the processing.

Date Selection Method

Select the type of date range to be used when selecting employees for processing.

Field Description
Select employees with measurement periods ending in the prior calendar month

Select this option to populate the screen Start Date and End Date fields with the first day of the calendar month prior to the system date and the last day of the calendar month prior to the system date. For example, if the system date is 03/18/2015, then the Start Date would be set to 02/01/2015 and the End Date would be set to 02/28/2015.

Select employees with measurement periods ending within a specific date range

If you select this option, you can manually enter a range of dates to be processed.  The dates must be within the same calendar year.

Measurement Period End Dates

If you selected the Select employees with measurement periods ending within a specific date range option as the Date Method, use this fields to enter a date range.

Field Description
Range Type

This field is disabled and always displays Range as the field value.


Enter, or click to select, the start date which will be used to select employees for processing. Employees that have measurement period end dates within the screen date parameters will be analyzed for full-time status eligibility. Employees whose total hours worked during the measurement period result in monthly average hours greater than the government specified threshold will be flagged as full-time.  You may approve or reject the employee’s full-time status in the Manage Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility screen.

This field is disabled and populated with the first day of the prior calendar month if the Date Method is Select employees with measurement periods ending in the prior calendar month.


Enter, or use Date Lookup to select, the end date which will be used to select employees for processing.  Employees that have measurement period end dates within the screen date parameters will be analyzed for full-time status eligibility.  Employees whose total hours worked during the measurement period result in monthly average hours greater than the government specified threshold will be flagged as full-time. You may approve or reject the employee’s full-time status in the Manage Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility screen.

This field is disabled and populated with the last day of the prior calendar month if the  Date Method is Select employees with measurement periods ending in the prior calendar month.


Note: If an employee’s setup as of the measurement period end date meets any of the selected check boxes in this group box (Include Part-Time Employees, Include Seasonal Employees, or Include Variable Hours Employees), the employee will be included in processing.  For example, if an employee has an Employee Type of Part-Time and is flagged as a Variable Hours Employee on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen, and you do not select the Include Part-Time Employees check box on this screen (but you do select the Include Variable Hours Employees check box), the employee will be included in the processing.
Field Description
Benefit Year for Initial Employees

Enter the benefit year that you will use for retrieving measurement, administrative, enrollment, and coverage period dates and methods. The Benefit Year and employee’s Taxable Entity must exist in the Full-Time Equivalent Measurement Rules subtask in the Manage Benefit Years by Taxable Entity screen.

Include Part-Time Employees

Select this check box to include Part-Time employees in the data selection. Any employees flagged as Part-Time as of the measurement period end date will have their hours-worked analyzed to determine whether their monthly average hours make them eligible for full-time status (in terms of benefits coverage) during the coverage period.

Include Variable Hours Employees

Select this check box to include Variable Hours employees in the data selection. Any employees flagged as a Variable Hours Employee as of the measurement period end date will have their hours-worked analyzed to determine whether their monthly average hours make them eligible for full-time status (in terms of benefits coverage) during the coverage period.

Include Seasonal Employees

Select this check box to include Seasonal employees in the data selection. Any employees flagged as a Seasonal Employee as of the measurement period end date will have their hours-worked analyzed to determine whether their monthly average hours make them eligible for full-time status (in terms of benefits coverage) during the coverage period.

Automatically approve eligible Employees for full-time status

If an employee’s hours-worked during the measurement period make him/her eligible for full-time status during the benefit coverage period, you will have the ability to approve or reject that full-time status on the Manage Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility screen. If you would like to automatically approve any employees deemed full-time during the measurement period, select this check box.

Overwrite existing Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility and Employee Life Event records

Select this check box to overwrite any existing Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility and Employee Life Event records. The following items discuss how the process handles the corresponding records depending on your selection of this check box:

  • Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility: When a full-time equivalent eligibility is identified for an employee, this application automatically generates a Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility record for the Employee/Taxable Entity/Measurement Period Start Date combination.

    If you select this check box and the application identifies a full-time equivalent employee and the Employee/Taxable Entity/Measurement Period Start Date already exists in the Full-Time Equivalent table, the application will overwrite that record with a new one.

    If you do not select this check box and a record already exists for the Employee/Taxable Entity/Measurement Period Start Date combination, this application will not overwrite those existing records and an error message will be generated on the Error/Warning report.

  • Employee Life Events: When an initial (New) full-time equivalent employee is identified, this application automatically generates an Employee Life Event record where the Life Event is the one linked on the Full-Time Equivalent Measurement Rules subtask of the Manage Benefit Years by Taxable Entity screen and the Life Event Date is the Measurement Period End Date. A life event record may also be generated for an ongoing employee if the Enrollment Method is Life Event on the Full-Time Equivalent Measurement Rules subtask of the Manage Benefit Years by Taxable Entity screen.

    If you select this check box and the application identifies a full-time equivalent employee that is set up to have a Life Event record set up, but an Employee Life Event record already exists for the Employee/Life Event/Life Event Date and you want that record overwritten with a new one.

    If you do not select this check box and a record already exists for the Employee/Life Event/Life Event Date combination, this application will not overwrite those existing records and an error message will be generated on the Error/Warning report.


Subtask Description
Taxable Entity Non-Contiguous Ranges Select this link to enter taxable entity ranges that will be included in the processing.
Employee Non-Contiguous Ranges Select this link to enter employee ranges that will be included in the processing.