Contents of the Manage Compensation Plan Defaults Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Compensation Plan Defaults screen. 

Click on the toolbar to add a new compensation plan default entry. Then, click to save all the entered data.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the code for this labor group or union. You establish labor groups/unions in the Labor module.

Note: This field is titled Union if you selected the Enable Union Functionality Option on the Configure Labor Settings screen. If you did not select the Enable Union Functionality check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen, this field is titled Labor Group.
Labor Location/Local

Enter, or click to select, the code for this location/local if you are using the union functionality. You can establish locations/locals in Costpoint Labor.

Note: This field is titled Local if you selected the Enable Union Functionality check box on the Configure Labor Settings screen. If you did not select the Enable Union Functionality Option on the Configure Labor Settings screen, this field is titled Labor Location.

Although neither the Labor Group/Union nor the Labor Location/Local field is required, you cannot leave both fields blank for a compensation plan. A compensation plan must be linked to a labor group and/or a labor location.

Compensation Plan

Enter, or click to select, the plan code to link to this taxable entity, labor group, or labor location.