Job Profiles

Talent Management Jobs directly relate to Costpoint’s Detail Job Titles and Positions.

This data only if licensed for Costpoint HR. Below is how the data is mapped to Talent Management:

Talent Management Destination Description Required (Y/N) Costpoint Source
job_code Unique identifier for a requisition Y <EE Detl Job Title>+’_COMPANY_’+ <EMPL.company_id.>

EE Detl Job Title — This value comes from EMPL_LAB_INFO.detl_job_cd where effect_dt <= System Date and end_dt >= System Date

job_title Title of the job that will be displayed to job seekers. Y DETL_JOB_TITLES.detl_job_desc
salary_grade Salary grade associated to the job N N/A
division Division code N IF Detail Job Title Position Exists with Org ID

Top Org level of H_DETL_POS_DESC.org_id where H_DETL_POS_DESC.detl_job_cd = DETL_JOB_TITLES.detl_job_cd



company_code Company code N This is the 'COMPANY_'+<Company ID> from the Job Code.
job_family Job family name N N/A
Job_duration Number of months typically a person remains in this position before advancement N N/A
job_description Detailed description of the job Y IF Detail Job Position exists for Detail Job Code and result of this logic is not NULL, then populate with:

H_DETL_POS_DESC.short_desc where H_DETL_POS_DESC.detl_job_cd = DETL_JOB_TITLES.detl_job_cd + <space> + H_DETL_POS_DESC.duties_tx where H_DETL_POS_DESC.detl_job_cd = DETL_JOB_TITLES.detl_job_cd + <space> + H_DETL_POS_DESC.other_info_nt where H_DETL_POS_DESC.detl_job_cd = DETL_JOB_TITLES.detl_job_cd


Populate with 'No job description available'

job_requirements Extra information about job N N/A (“::” passed so Talent Management knows not to overwrite)
external_job_title Value displayed on the external site as the job title (if used) N DETL_JOB_TITLES.ext_detl_job_title
education Education required N N/A
job_role Client specific grouping of jobs by role N N/A
job_function Function of the job N N/A
job_level Career level N N/A
cost_center Cost center N N/A
cost_center_code Cost center code N N/A
job_grade Job grade N N/A
job_key Key job N N/A
job_type Job type N Costpoint Employee Type =

IF the Costpoint Detail Job Title being exported exists in the Manage Detail Position Descriptions (H_DETL_POS_DESC) table

THEN Costpoint Employee Type = the

Position Type assigned to the Detail

Job Title in the Manage Detail Position

Descriptions table



Talent Management job_type =

IF Costpoint Employee Type = 'R'

THEN populate with 'Full-Time'

ELSE IF Costpoint Employee Type = 'P'

THEN populate with 'Part-Time'

ELSE IF Costpoint Employee Type = 'T'

THEN populate with 'Temporary'


THEN send NULL value


job_classification Job classification N N/A
eeoc_job_category EEOC job category N N/A
eeoc_job_group EEOC job group N N/A
travel Travel required N N/A
location_code Location of the job N N/A
location_group Location region assigned to the job N N/A
requisition_position_type Requisition position type name to assign to the job N N/A