Employee Rates Subtask

Use this screen to edit frozen employee salary rates. Click Query to search Employee Rates.


The following information displays in the Employee Rates subtasks.

Column Headings Description
Fiscal Year This column displays the Fiscal Year.
Employee ID This column displays the Employee ID number.
Employee Name This column displays the name of the employee.
Status This column displays the status if Active (ACT) or Inactive (IN).
Term Date This column displays the employee's term date.
Org ID Click to select an Organization ID associated with the resource.
Alternate Org ID Click to select an alternate Organization ID associated with the resource.
Default Direct Acct Click to select a default Direct Account associated with the resource.
Default Indirect Acct Click to select a default Indirect Account associated with the resource.
Standard Annual Hours Use this column to enter the employee's standard annual hours. This is needed to calculate effective rates when configuration option is set to Period Rates.
Hourly Rate This column displays the employee's rate per hour.
Accrual Rate This column displays the PTO accrual rate in hours per accounting period.
Lock Select the Lock check box to lock a record. The lock is to prevent overwriting the record if the Re-Freeze Employee Specs is executed.

If there is no Lock in place, then the edited/new record is overwritten/erased during a Re-Freeze event.