Pool Rates Subtask

If you cloned Pool Specifications from source year to target year, use this screen to edit Org budget pools.

You can change the Target Rate for the pool. Click Query to search Pool Rates. All the information in the Pool Cost and Pool Base accounts for the given fiscal year are editable.  

Executing the Re-Clone Pool Specs action copies pool specifications from the live database of the source year. If you cloned pool specs and the source year is 2015 and target is 2015, the target year would be starting with the previous year’s pool specs. This means if in 2015 you had already changed the pool specs, you would then have to re-clone the pool specs, making the source and target year the same.

You can also add, delete and edit pool specifications using the pool rates subtask. If you clone the pool specs for the next year, you have to change the pool structure for that year. Since it is not yet set up in Costpoint, you can make the modifications in B&P so you can have accurate forecasting calculations for the pools.


The following information displays in the Pool Rates subtasks.

Column Headings Description
Fiscal Year This column displays the Fiscal Year.
Sequence This column displays the sequence number.
Allocation Group This column displays the number of the allocation group.
Pool Number This column displays the pool number.
Pool Name This column displays the resource name.
Base Type Use the drop-down list to select from Unit per period or Dollar base type.
Base Desc This column displays the Base description.
Pool Type This column displays the type of Pool.
Targeted YTD Rate This column displays the rate for the Targeted Year to Date. Click the enabled field to edit the Target Rate for the pool.