Prior Year Pool Amounts Subtask

Use this subtask of the Manage Alternate Revenue Profile Prior Year History screen to override production values of the prior year indirect burden amounts incurred and allowed and the related cost of money (COM) amounts incurred and allowed by pool for each account specified on the main screen.

You can also use this subtask to mark existing records for deletion and enter new pool amount records for an account. Override values will be used only in the alternate database and will not replace the values in the production database. Removal and addition of records will also occur only in the alternate database.

You cannot edit the production fields on this subtask. You can only modify the alternate profile fields, but these are not required. You should enter values in the alternate profile fields only when they are different from the production values and for new records.


Field Description
Fiscal Year

This field displays the fiscal year in the Details table window for the account you selected on the main screen.

Rate Type

This field displays the rate type that the projects use for the fiscal year. A represents actual rates and T represents targeted rates.


This field displays the project in the Details table window for the account you selected on the main screen.


This field displays the organization in the Details table window for the account you selected on the main screen.


This field displays the account you selected on the main screen.

Account Name

This field displays the account description.

Load All Pool Amount Records from Production Table

Click this button to load all pool amount records from the production table for the account you selected on the main screen.

Table Window

Field Description

This column displays the production value of the pool number against which the history is entered. For new records, enter, or click , to select a pool number to be used in the alternate database.

Pool Name

This column displays the description of each pool.

Delete this Prior Year Pool Amounts record for Alternate Revenue Profile

Select this check box to delete this prior year pool amounts record in the alternate revenue profile.

Record Status

This column displays the status of the prior year pool amounts record. For records that have not yet been modified, this is blank. For new records or those that have already been updated, this displays one the following statuses:

  • Override: This indicates that this record contains override values.
  • Delete: This indicates that this record has been marked for deletion.
  • New: This indicates that this is a new record.
  • Parent Deleted: This indicates that this record's parent record has been marked for deletion.

    If this record has a status of Override before the parent record is marked for deletion, this record's status will remain as Override. If this is a new record and the parent record is marked for deletion, this record will be removed from the alternate profile.

Incurred Amount

This column displays the production value of the indirect incurred amount for each pool. The incurred amounts for all pools belonging to the same account are added and displayed in the Burden Amount Incurred column in the Details table window on the main screen.

Alternate Profile Incurred Amount

For new records, enter the alternate profile incurred amount for the desired pool. This field is enabled only for new records.

Allowed Amount

This column displays the production value of the indirect allowed amount for each pool. The allowed amounts for all pools belonging to the same account are added and displayed in the Burden Amount Allowed column in the Details table window on the main screen.

Alt Profile Allowed Amount

Enter the alternate profile allowed amount for the desired pool. This defaults from the Alternate Profile Incurred Amount value, if entered, but it can be overridden. Costpoint uses this column to calculate the Alt Profile Total Indirect Allowed Amount on the main screen.

Discount Amount

This column displays the production value of the discount amount for each pool.

COM Incurred Amount

This column displays the production value of the indirect COM incurred amount for each pool. The COM incurred amounts for all pools belonging to the same account are added and displayed in the COM Burden Amount Incurred column in the Details table window on the main screen.

Alternate Profile COM Incurred Amount

For new records, enter the alternate profile COM incurred amount for the desired pool. This field is enabled only for new records.

COM Allowed Amount

This column displays the production value of the indirect COM allowed amount for each pool. The COM allowed amounts for all pools belonging to the same account are added and displayed in the COM Burden Amount Allowed column in the Details table window on the main screen.

Alt Profile COM Allowed Amount

Enter the alternate profile COM allowed amount for the desired pool. This defaults from the Alternate Profile COM Incurred Amount value, if entered, but it can be overridden. Costpoint uses this column to calculate the Alt Profile Total Indirect Allowed Amount on the main screen.