Contents of the Manage Budget Revisions Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Budget Revisions screen.


Field Description

Enter a valid project or click to select one. The description of the project automatically displays next to the project.

Fiscal Year

Use the drop-down list to select a fiscal year.

Revision Details

Field Description
Revision ID

Enter a revision ID.

Warning: If you delete a budget revision from this screen, ALL corresponding budget data is also deleted; you do NOT receive any warning messages, nor are any other validations performed. Therefore, DO NOT delete any budget revisions for which data has been entered unless you intend to delete all information that references that budget revision.
Date Created

This field is non-editable. When you save the revisions, Costpoint updates this field with the date on which it was created.


Enter descriptive text for the revision.


Select this check box if this is the current revision and leave it blank if it is not. Only one revision can be the current default. Costpoint uses the budgeted cost associated with this revision for project reporting. The current revision is offered as a default when you enter budgets by period.