Warranty Cost Subtask

Use this subtask to enter information used to accrue warranty costs for units sold.

The information entered in this screen is stored in the CLIN_WARR_CST_SCH table. You must use this subtask only if your company issues a warranty with the sale of units.

Initialize this subtask as part of the product unit pricing setup.

Warranty Codes

Field Description
Manufacturer or External

Enter the manufacturer's (or other external) warranty code, if applicable.

Reseller or Internal

Enter the reseller's (or other internal) warranty code, if applicable.

Calculate Warranty Costs Based on

Field Description
Percentage of Sales

Select this option to have warranty costs based on a percentage of sales. If you base warranty costs on a percentage of sales, enter that percentage in the Enter Percentage of Sales to Calculate Warranty Costs field.

Cost Schedule

Select this option to base your warranty costs on an estimated cost schedule. If you select this method, you must enter at least one row in the Warranty Cost Details table window.

Enter Percentage of Sales to Calculate Warranty Costs

Enter the percentage of sales that is to be used for the warranty cost calculation. This field is available only if you selected the Percentage of Sales option in the Calculate Warranty Costs Based on group box AND if the currency for this CLIN is the same as your company's functional currency. If you do not meet both of these conditions, use the Warranty Cost Details table window.

Warranty Cost Details

This table is available only if you selected the Cost Schedule option in the Calculate Warranty Costs Based on group box.

Field Description
Unit Cost in Functional Currency

If you elected to base your warranty costs on a cost schedule, enter the estimated warranty cost per unit in this field.

Starting Date

Enter, or click to select, the starting date for the applicable warranty cost per unit.

Ending Date

Enter, or click to select, the ending date for the applicable warranty cost per unit.


The following validations occur in this table window:

  • The warranty cost per unit must be greater than 0.
  • There must be no gaps in the starting and ending dates. If you do not enter starting and ending dates, Costpoint displays an error message.
  • There must be no overlap in the date range. The starting date must be later than the ending date of the previous line.