Contents of the Manage Project Transfer Information Screen

Use these fields and options to configure the Manage Project Transfer Information screen.

Transfer Project

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the project to be transferred. This outgoing project can be transferred from any level of the project to any one project. The project name is displayed in the untitled field on the right.

You can use only those projects that are active in the Project (PROJ) table. Each project is allowed only one Create Project Transfer Journal Entries screen. To retrieve the screen previously used to transfer a project, click .

The transfer project must have one of the following Project Classifications: B&P (Bid & Proposal), Direct, Indirect, IR&D (Independent Research & Development), or WIP (Work in Process). Project Classifications are determined on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.

Note: After you save this screen for an outgoing project that has been previously transferred, you can modify only the Active, Period, and Subperiod fields. Click to retrieve this screen for a previous transfer project that was saved.

Select this check box to indicate that this transfer (outgoing) project is active. After you have successfully run the Create Project Transfer Journal Entries screen, the status of the Transfer Project is changed to inactive. When performing transfers for the same project in successive periods, select this check box to re-activate an inactive transferring project. Avoid using the Create Project Transfer Journal Entries process as a tool for monthly reclassification of costs; it can be cumbersome to use for this purpose. A better tool for monthly reclassification is the Multi-Job feature.

Include Lower Levels of Transfer Project

Select this check box to indicate that any existing levels below the transfer project specified are included in the transfer. The lower levels of the transfer (outgoing) project are transferred into one receiving project level. To transfer several lower level projects on the same project tree to another project tree, transfer each individually.

Receiving Project

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the project that is to receive the outgoing data. You can enter only one project number in this field. This project must be at or below the level for billing and revenue formulas. The project name displays in the untitled field on the right.

You can use only those projects that are active in the receiving Project (PROJ) table. To complete the transfer process, you must create a revenue formula if the receiving project classification is Direct or WIP.

If the receiving project classification is B&P, IR&D, or Indirect, you receive a warning if there is no revenue formula, but can still transfer the project.

When no billing formula exists for the receiving project, only direct costs are transferred. No balance sheet accounts or billing history tables are updated. This information resides in the transfer project. The billing formula for the project is determined on the Manage Project Billing Information screen.


Field Description
Organization Type

Enter, or click the drop-down list to select, the organization code that is to receive the debit of the receiving project. Valid options are:

  • Performing: Select this option to have the receiving project use the same organization as the transfer (outgoing) project.
  • Owning: Select this option to have the owning organization of the receiving project receive the transfer debit. This owning organization of the receiving project was selected for the organization on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.
  • Fixed: Select this option to select an organization for the receiving project. All costs transferred are charged to this organization regardless of the original charging org. Select the organization in the Fixed Organization field.
Fixed Organization

Enter, or click to select, the organization for the receiving project. This field is active only when you select Fixed in the Organization field. This field accepts only active organizations.

Select Subperiod For Transfer

Use this group box to specify which fiscal year, period, and subperiod to use to transfer costs. The fiscal year, period, and subperiod selected are used for the creation of the journal entry on the Create Project Transfer Journal Entries screen.

Field Description
Fiscal Year

Use this drop-down list to select the transfer project's fiscal year. No records from any other year can exist in the GL_POST_SUM table for the transfer (outgoing) project.


Use this drop-down list to select the transfer project's fiscal period. No records can exist in the GL_POST_SUM table for any period later than this fiscal period. Costpoint displays a warning message if it finds transactions in another period.


Use this drop-down list to select the transfer project's subperiod. No records can exist in the GL_POST_SUM table for any subperiod later than this subperiod. Costpoint displays a warning message if it finds transactions in another subperiod.  

Ending Date

This non-editable field displays the ending date of the selected subperiod.


Subtask Description
Accounts Click this link to access the Accounts subtask. Use this subtask to transfer (debit) this project's costs to one or more accounts in the receiving project. Use this subtask only if a cost account differs from the transfer to the receiving project. Each account must be a project-required account and is subject to Costpoint's Project/Account/Organization (POA) validation.

If you do not use this subtask, all existing accounts in the transfer project are used for the transfer into the receiving project. Costpoint validates the receiving project account group to ensure that all of the accounts exist.