Pools Subtask

Use this subtask to view information about the pools and the calculation of the pool base.


Field Description
Seq No

This non-editable column displays a user-specified number that corresponds to the sequence in which a given pool is allocated. You can set up pool sequence numbers in either the Manage Cost Pools screen or the Manage Pool Processing Sequence Numbers screen.

Pool No

This non-editable column displays all of the pool numbers that belong to the allocation group specified.

Pool Name

This non-editable column displays the name of each cost pool.

Recalc Base

This non-editable column displays the default value, from the Manage Pool Processing Sequence Numbers screen, that applies to the calculation of a pool base. If a Y (Yes) is displayed, the pool base amounts are taken from the ledger for each base account/organization combination specified for the pool. If an N (No) is displayed, the pool base is taken only from the Allocation Journal. For manual service centers, this column is always N.