Update POA Table with Valid Links/Reference Numbers

Use this toolkit to ensure that a reference ID is attached to all revenue posted to the GL during the revenue posting process.

This toolkit is functional if you post revenue by owning organization or performing  organization and use the POA validation method.

This stored procedure uses worktables to identify two problem areas: rows in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT table that do not have reference fields in the table window, and project/organization/account combinations that do not exist in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT table but are needed during the post revenue process. You need analyze only the revenue accounts in the PROJ_ORG_ACCT table and those projects that have revenue formulas on the Manage Revenue Information screen. Always run this process after computing burden and revenue and before posting revenue.


When you click the Auto Fill button, the toolkit performs these following steps to populate the columns in this table window: 

  1.  Creates a worktable that identifies all the projects that use the POA validation method.
  2. Selects only those projects that have revenue formulas established.
  3. Identifies the revenue accounts for the projects selected in the worktable in step 2.  
  4. Joins the PROJ_ACCT_ORG table with the table created in Step 3.

The application then inserts rows into the table window that do not have a reference ID or do not have the Project/Account/Org combination in the POA table. You can then use the table window to assign reference numbers or insert links into the POA table. Reference information is maintained on the Manage Reference Structures screen.