Warnings Subtask

Use the Warnings subtask to view messages that identify potential issues on Working Status budgets.


This subtask displays only if warnings exist. At the top level, the Warning subtask displays the entirety of messages that occurred.

Since these are warning messages, you are not required to modify the data in question, but the warning messages identify potential areas of concern, such as issues related to:
  • Hourly rates, period hours, and utilization
  • Escalation and termination dates
  • Burden settings and burden templates
  • Account IDs
  • Revenue calculations
Field Description
Warning This column displays the warning message.
Cost Type This column displays the cost type associated with the warning message, for example, whether it is related to hours or amounts. Use those subtasks to drill-down to the detail level per message.
ID Type This column displays the ID type associated with the message, for example, employee, vendor, key entry, GLC, and so on.
ID This column displays the ID associated with the ID Type.
Name This column displays the name associated with the record. For example, if the message is related to an hours cost type, the name of the employee might display.
Org ID This column displays the ID of the Org associated with the message.
Acct ID This column displays the ID of the account associated with the message.