Resource Management Dashboard
The Resource Management dashboard provides a visualization of resource utilization based on a sample of Smart AI (Artificial Intelligence) recommendations and Exploration.
More information about Smart AI is available in the Deltek Costpoint Business Intelligence Smart AI Guide.
The Resource Management dashboard includes four tabs:
- Actual Util and FTE: This tab displays data for the actual utilization by resource which is time spent on direct work, and the full time equivalent (FTE) data by project which is time spent on a project. This information helps you to analyze the staffing on a project to see how many FTEs were used or are needed.
- YTD Variance Analysis: This tab displays the actual vs. forecast utilization variance, FTE variance, and hours variance for the year.
- Resource Forecast: This tab displays the forecasted hours by resource type, forecasted FTE by organization, and analyzes the actual and forecasted utilization by organization based on a six month period.
- Trending: This tab displays actual vs. forecasted trends by month and quarter for the organization.
Parent Topic: Smart AI