Contents of the Manage Archived Report Security Rights Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Archived Report Security Rights screen.


Use this block to specify the user/user group and report/report group for which to establish report archive security rights.

Field Description
User / User Group

Enter, or click to select, the user or user group ID, as applicable, for which to add, edit, or review report archive security rights.


This field displays User if you entered a user ID or User Group if you entered a user group ID in the User/User Group field.

The field to the right displays the descriptive name for this user or user group ID. As an alternative, you can click in this field to select the user or user group you want to use.

Report / Report Group

Enter, or click to select, the report or report group ID, as applicable, for which to add, edit, or review report archive security rights.


This drop-down list automatically displays Report if you entered a report ID or Report Group if you entered a report group ID in the Report / Report Group field. You can modify this setting by selecting a different option using this drop-down list.

The field to the right displays the descriptive name for this report or report group ID. As an alternative, you can click in this field to select the report or report group you want to use.


Use this group box to designate the applicable companies, archive files, and archive file rights.

Applicable Companies

Use this group box to apply report archive security rights to all companies or to designate a specific company for which to establish report archive security rights.

Field Description
Apply Rights to All Companies

Select this check box to apply the designated report archive security rights to all companies.


If you selected the Apply Rights to All Companies check box, this field automatically displays ALL and cannot be edited.

If you cleared the Apply Rights to All Companies check box, use this field to enter, or click to select, the company to which you want to apply this report archive security rights.

Archive Files

Use this group box to apply report archive security rights to all associated archive files or to designate a specific archive file name for which to establish report archive security rights.

Field Description
Apply Rights to All Associated Archive Files

Select this check box to apply the designated report archive security rights to all associated archive files.

Archive File Name

If you selected the Apply Rights to All Associated Archive Files check box, this field automatically displays ALL and cannot be edited.

If you cleared the Apply Rights to All Associated Archive Files check box, use this field to enter, or click to select, the associated archive file to which you want to apply this report archive security rights.

Archive File Rights

Use this group box to designate viewing, modification/deletion, and organization security features within the established report archive security rights.

Field Description
Allow Viewing of Archive File

Select this check box to allow viewing rights of the archive file(s) for this user/user group and report/report group combination.

Allow Modification/Deletion of Archive File

Select this check box to allow modification/deletion rights of the archive file(s) for the designated user/user group and report/report group combination.

Ignore Org Security

Select this check box to ignore established organization security of the archive file(s) for this user/user group and report/report group combination.

Report Group Reports

Use this table window to view the details of the reports or report categories linked to the user or user group.

Field Description

If you entered a report group ID in the Report/Report Group field, this field displays the report technical names that were assigned to that report group.

If you entered a report ID in the Report/Report Group field, this field is blank.

Report Name

If you entered a report group ID in the Report/Report Group field, this field displays the report names that were assigned to that report group.

If you entered a report ID in the Report/Report Group field, this field is blank.

Report Category Name

If you entered a report group ID in the Report/Report Group field, this field displays the report category names that were assigned to that report group.

If you entered a report ID in the Report/Report Group field, this field is blank.

Archive Category Name

If you entered a report group ID in the Report/Report Group field, this field displays the report archive category names that were assigned to that report group.

If you entered a report ID in the Report/Report Group field, this field is blank.