Activity Subtask

Use this subtask to define detail activity information.

You can schedule a Costpoint function or Windows executable to launch when the activity starts, define the routing (to activity inboxes or email) that takes place when the activity starts, and define the routing that takes place when the activity is completed.

This subtask is only active when the selected item in the Activities table window is an activity (without options). You must first add activities to the list box using the Add Activity subtask.


Field Description
Workflow Name

This field displays the name of the currently selected workflow.


Use this field to enter a descriptive name for this activity.


This field displays this activity's workflow type. The workflow types are:

  • Costpoint Triggers: This type of workflow type is Deltek-defined and initiated automatically in a Costpoint function. For example, when a requisition approval is necessary, an STD - Requisition Approval workflow is initiated.
    Note: If a workflow is a Costpoint Triggers type, you cannot change the name of the workflow.
  • Deltek-Defined:  This type of workflow is predefined by Costpoint and ready for use. You need only to assign roles and user IDs for routing. Several of the predefined workflows already have roles associated with them. Because activities can be deleted, added, or changed, you can customize predefined workflows to fit your needs.
  • User-Defined: This type of workflow is set up by users.

Select this check box to indicate whether this activity is required. If an activity is required, the activity must be completed before an in-progress workflow case can be considered complete. If an activity is not required, you can consider an in-progress workflow case completed before completing this activity.


Use this group box to specify launch properties for this activity.

Function Type

Use this group box to specify the launch method for this activity.

Field Description

Select this option if you do not want to classify this activity under a function type.

Costpoint Function

Select this option to classify this activity as a Costpoint function. This option enables the Module and Function fields and disables the .EXE > File and .EXE Arguments fields.

Windows Executable

Select this option to classify this activity as an executable outside of Costpoint. This option enables the .EXE File and .EXE Arguments fields and disables the Module and Function fields.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the Costpoint module associated with this activity. If you enter a Function, you must enter an application from this Costpoint module. Select the None option in the Function Type group box if you do not want to associate the activity with a Costpoint module and function.


Use in this field to select the function you want to use for this activity. Function identifies which Costpoint application you want the workflow to launch when starting this option.

The field to the right automatically displays the application ID for this function. As an alternative, you can use the field to the right to enter, or use to select, the application ID of the function you want to use.

Note: Costpoint functions may be populated with data when launched. If you enter one of these functions here, you will be prompted to add the related labels to the Case subtask when you save this screen.
.EXE File

Use this field to enter the .exe file you want to associate with this activity.

.EXE Arguments

Use this field to enter an .exe argument (file or parameter) you want to associate with the .exe file specified in the .EXE File field.

Start Activity

Use this group box to specify options for when this activity is initiated.

When a workflow case is in progress, activities will be routed to activity inboxes (and email if available) to alert users to complete the activities. If you enter a role, the activity will be routed when the prerequisites for the activity are completed.

Note: If there are no prerequisites (the activity is displayed at the leftmost side of the Activities table window), the activity will be routed when a workflow case is initiated.
Field Description

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the workflow role to which this activity will be rerouted when it is time to complete this activity within the workflow. This activity will be displayed in the activity inboxes of the users associated with this role.

Users set up to receive activities via email will be notified through their email system when it is time to complete an activity. The following items are in the email message: workflow name, case, case value list, activity name, role, user ID, and priority.

Note: To use an email system to receive notification of activities and messages, you must complete the email section of the Configure System Settings screen. Also, you must activate email on a user-by-user basis in the Manage Users screen.

This field displays the filter associated with this role. If there is a filter, you must add the filter using the Case subtask when you save this screen. If there are more than one filters associated with this role, you can use to select which filter to use.

If you add the filter to the case labels, the routing of the activity may be limited to a set of users within the role. The activity will be routed to users associated with the filter value corresponding to the case label value for the workflow case. If there is no filter value related to the value of the case label or there are no users associated with the filter value, the activity will be routed to the entire role.


Use this field to enter a number to indicate the level of importance (1 = highest priority and 100 = lowest  priority) of this activity in relation to the other activities defined for this or other workflows. This priority level displays alongside the activity in the activity inboxes and helps the users know when to complete the activity.

Activity Time

Use this group box to specify the estimated number of hours it takes to complete this activity.

Field Description
Expected Duration (Hours)

Use this field to enter an estimated number of hours up to which it takes to complete this activity. For example, enter a value of 1.5 for an expected duration of one hour and 30 minutes.

Additional Time Allowed (Hours)

Use this field to enter an estimated number of additional hours, if any, that is allowed to complete this activity. For example, enter a value of 1.5 for an expected duration of one hour and 30 minutes.

Escalate to

Use the field in this group box to specify the workflow role who must complete this activity when this activity exceeds the estimated number of hours.

Field Description

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the workflow role that will be notified when activity exceeds the estimated hours specified in the Expected Duration (Hours) and Additional Time Allowed (Hours).


Use this group box to enter specific instructions on how to complete this activity.


Subtask Description
Complete Activity Click this link to open the Complete Activity subtask and specify user roles that will be notified when this activity is complete.