Processing Details


A list of the Costpoint tables used by this preprocessor and their corresponding Costpoint screens can be found at the end of this page.

ADP File Layouts for File (ADP Version 1)

Header Record (ADP Version 1)

Field Description Type Value
Record Type Character (1) A
Field ID for Company Code Character (3) 001
Company Code Character (3) Provided by user
Field ID for Batch Number Character (3) 002
Batch Number Character (3) Provided by user
Version Number Character (1) Provided by user. 6 is provided for Windows versions
End of Logical Record Character (1) z
Spaces To fill out record to 80 characters
Carriage Return/Line Feed

Paydata Record  (ADP Version 1)

Field Description Type Value
Record Type Character (1) B
Field ID for Employee ID Character (3) 003
Employee ID Character (6) Payroll service employee ID or first six characters of the Costpoint employee ID
Field ID for Pay Number Character (3) 004
Pay Number Integer (1) 1 for regular timesheets, 2 for bonus timesheets

If a Shift Code is present:

Field Description Type Value
Field ID for Shift Code Character (3) 010a
Shift Code Character (1) From Mapping table
Field ID for Hours Character (3) From Mapping table

If a User Code is present:

Field Description Type Value
User Code Character (2) From Mapping table
Hours Integer (7) From Timesheet Line table
Hours Sign Character (1) Blank if positive,"-" if negative
Field ID for Earnings Character (3) From Mapping table
User Code Character (2) From Mapping table
Earnings Integer (7) From Timesheet Line table
Earnings Sign Character (1) Blank if positive,"-" if negative

Additional sets of hours and earnings for the same employee, pay number, and shift code are added, unless there is a repetition of a field ID with a different user code. If more than 80 characters are required, the next record has a B in column 1 and then continues.

Field Description Type Value
End of Logical Record Character (1) z
Spaces Up to 80 characters
Carriage Return/Line Feed

Trailer Record  (ADP Version 1)

Field Description Type Value
Record Type Character (1) C
Field ID (may occur up to five times) Character (3) Derived - see the Paydata to Trailer Field ID table following.
Total (may occur up to five times) Integer (11) Total of hours or dollars for Field IDs
Sign Character (1) Blank if positive, "-" if negative
End of Logical Record Character (1) z
Spaces To fill out record to 80 characters
Carriage Return/Line Feed

The field IDs of the trailer record are determined according to the following table:

Paydata Field ID Trailer Field ID
012 030
013 031
016 & 017 032
018 & 019 033
014 034
015 035
020 & 021 036
022 & 023 037
024 & 025 038

ADP File Layouts for EPIxxxAA.CSV File (ADP Version 2.5)

Header Record (ADP Version 2.5)

Field Description Type Value
Company Code Character (3) Co Code
Batch ID Character (8) Batch ID
File Number Character (6) File #
Pay Number Character (1) Pay #
Shift Character (1) Shift
Regular Hours Character (9) Reg Hours
Regular Earnings Character (11)

Character (12) with expanded field option

Reg Earnings
Overtime Hours Character (9) O/T Hours
Overtime Earnings Character (11) O/T Earnings
Hours 3 Code Character (2)

Character (3) with expanded field option

Hours 3 Code
Hours 3 Amount Character (9) Hours 3 Amount
Earnings 3 Code Character (2)

Character (3) with expanded field option

Earnings 3 Code
Earnings 3 Amount Character (11)

Character (12) with expanded field option

Earnings 3 Amount
Hours 4 Code Character (2)

Character (3) with expanded field option

Hours 4 Code
Hours 4 Amount Character (9) Hours 4 Amount
Earnings 4 Code Character (2)

Character (3) with expanded field option

Earnings 4 Code
Earnings 4 Amount Character (11)

Character (12) with expanded field option

Earnings 4 Amount
Earnings 5 Code Character (2)

Character (3) with expanded field option

Earnings 5 Code
Earnings 5 Amount Character (11)

Character (12) with expanded field option

Earnings 5 Amount
Special Action Flag Character (1) Special Action

(Included in header file only if you selected the Suppress Rate 1 check box)

Tax Frequency Character (1) Tax Frequency

Paydata Record (ADP Version 2.5)

Field Description Type Value
Company Code Character (3) Company code specified on the screen.
Batch ID Integer (8) Batch ID specified on the screen.
File Number Character (6) Payroll service employee ID or first six characters of the Costpoint employee ID.
Pay Number Character (1) If the Pay Type or Account has a Map Type of Pay Type or Account in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen, this field is populated with 1.

If the Pay Type or Account has a Map Type of Bonus Pay Type in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen, this field is populated with 2.

Shift Integer (1) If a Shift Code was specified for the Account or Pay Type in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen, that shift code is used. Otherwise, the field is not populated.
Regular Hours Numeric (9) If employee is Hourly and the Send Hours check box in the Hourly Employees group box is selected, this field is populated with the regular hours from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is Hourly and the Send Hours check box in the Hourly Employees group box is not selected, this field is not populated.

If employee is Salaried and the Send Hours check box in the Salaried Employees group box is selected, this field is populated with the regular hours from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is Salaried and the Send Hours check box in the Salaried Employees group box is not selected, this field is not populated.

Note: This field is populated only if the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Reg Hours in the ADP Hours Type > field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen.

Regular Earnings Character (11)

Character (12) with expanded field option

If employee is hourly and the Send Dollars check box is selected in the Hourly Employees group box, this field is populated with the regular earnings from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is hourly and the Send Dollars check box is not selected in the Hourly Employees group box, this field is not populated.

If the employee is salaried and the Send Hours check box in the Salaried Employees group box is selected, this field is populated with the regular earnings from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is salaried and the Send Hours check box in the Salaried Employees group box is not selected, this field is not populated.


This field is populated only if the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Reg Earnings in the ADP Hours Type > fieldin the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen.

Overtime Hours Numeric (9) If employee is hourly and the Send Hours check box in the Hourly Employees group box is selected, this field is populated with the overtime hours from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is hourly and the Send Hours check box in the Hourly Employees group box check box is not selected, this field is not populated.

If employee is salaried and the Send Hours check box in the Salaried Employees group box is selected, this field is populated with the overtime hours from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is salaried and the Send Hours check box in the Salaried Employees group box is not selected, this field is not populated.


This field is populated only if the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to O/T Hours in the ADP Hours Type > fieldin the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen.

Overtime Earnings Character (11)

Character (12) with expanded field option

If employee is hourly and the Send Dollars check box is selected in the Hourly Employees group box, this field is populated with the overtime earnings from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is hourly and the Send Dollars check box is not selected, this field is not populated.


Paydata records for salaried employees always contain the overtime earnings amount where applicable.


This field is populated only if the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to O/T Earnings in the ADP Hours Type field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen.

Hours 3 Code Character (2)

Character (3) with expanded field option

If the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Hours 3 Code in the ADP Hours Type field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen, the assigned ADP Hours Code is inserted here.
Hours 3 Amount Character (9) If employee is hourly and the Send Hours check box in the Hourly Employees group box is selected, this field is populated with the Hours 3 Code hours from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is hourly and the Send Hours check box in the Hourly Employees group box is not selected, this field is not populated.

If employee is salaried and the Send Hours check box in the Salaried Employees group box is selected, this field is populated with the Hours 3 Code hours from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is salaried and the Send Hours check box in the Salaried Employees group box is not selected, this field is not populated.

Note: This field is populated only if the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Hours 3 Code in the ADP Hours Type field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen.

Earnings 3 Code Character (2)

Character (3) with expanded field option

If the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Earnings 3 Code in the ADP Earnings Type field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen, the assigned ADP Earnings Code is inserted here.
Earnings 3 Amount Character (11)

Character (12) with expanded field option

If employee is hourly and the Send Dollars check box is selected in the Hourly Employees group box, this field is populated with the Earnings 3 Code earnings from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is hourly and the Send Dollars check box is not selected, this field is not populated.


Paydata records for salaried employees always contain the earnings 3 amount where applicable.


This field is populated only if the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Earnings 3 Code in the ADP Hours Type field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen.

Hours 4 Code Character (2)

Character (3) with expanded field option

If the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Hours 4 Code in the ADP Hours Type field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen, the assigned ADP Hours Code is inserted here.
Hours 4 Amount Character (9) If employee is hourly and the Send Hours check box in the Hourly Employees group box is selected, this field is populated with the Hours 4 Code hours from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is hourly and the Send Hours check box in the Hourly Employees group box is not selected, this field is not populated.

If employee is salaried and the Send Hours check box in the Salaried Employees group box is selected, this field is populated with the Hours 4 Code hours from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is salaried and the Send Hours check box in the Salaried Employees group box is not selected, this field is not populated.

Note: This field is populated only if the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Hours 4 Code in the ADP Hours Type field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen.

Earnings 4 Code Character (2)

Character (3) with expanded field option

If the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Earnings 4 Code in the ADP Earnings Type field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen, the assigned Earnings Code is inserted here.
Earnings 4 Amount Character (11)

Character (12) with expanded field option

If employee is hourly and the Send Dollars check box is selected in the Hourly Employees group box, this field is populated with the Earnings 4 Code earnings from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is hourly and the Send Dollars check box is not selected, this field is not populated.

Note: Paydata records for salaried employees always contain the earnings 4 amount where applicable.

Note: This field is populated only if the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Earnings 4 Code in the ADP Hours Type field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen.

Earnings 5 Code Character (2)

Character (3) with expanded field option

If the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Earnings 5 Code in the ADP Earnings Type field in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen, the assigned Earnings Code is inserted here.
Earnings 5 Amount Character (11)

Character (12) with expanded field option

If employee is hourly and the Send Dollars check box is selected in the Hourly Employees group box, this field is populated with the Earnings 5 Code earnings from the Timesheet Line table.

If employee is hourly and the Send Dollars check box is not selected, this field is not populated.

Note: Paydata records for salaried employees always contain the earnings 5 amount where applicable.

Note: This field is populated only if the timesheet line Pay Type or Account was mapped to Earnings 5 Code in the ADP Hours Type fieldin the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen.

Special Action Flag Character (1) X

(Included in the paydata file only if you selected the Suppress Rate 1 check box)

Tax Frequency Character (1) If you specified a Tax Frequency for the account or pay type in the Manage ADP 2.5 Mapping Values screen, that tax frequency code is used. Otherwise, the field is not populated.

Timesheets from the Timesheet Line table are selected if the date falls within the chosen range, and if (a) the employee is flagged with the timesheet cycle in the Employee Basic table, and (b) the Payroll Processed flag is set to N (No).

For each timesheet row selected, the program assigns the ADP field IDs, codes, and pay number and inserts the row into the ADP Paydata table.

The application checks to see whether the account on the timesheet line is found in the ADP Mappings table and, if a match is found, the associated field IDs and codes are assigned and the pay number is set to 1. If no match is found for the account, the application checks to see whether the pay type on the timesheet line is found in the ADP Mapping table and, if a match is found, the associated field IDs and codes are assigned. If the pay type is a bonus pay type, the pay number is set to 2. Otherwise, the pay number is set to 1. If no match is found, the record is written to the Error table and an error message is written to the Error Report.

If the employee is salaried and you selected the Autopay check box, the timesheet line is mapped to regular hours or earnings (field IDs 12 or 14) and is not included in the external paydata file. However, if the timesheet line maps to one of the other hours or earnings fields (such overtime or vacation), it is included in the external paydata file. Field types that map to a bonus pay type are included regardless of the Autopay check box.

Cost-only pay type records (timesheet rows with hours equal to zero and labor cost not equal to zero) send earnings only to ADP.

After the ADP Paydata Table is created, the application uses it to generate the external paydata File. The file is created in the location you selected in the File Information group box. If you selected 1 in the ADP Version drop-down list, the application generates three record types in the external paydata File for each batch: a header record, paydata records, and one or two trailer records. If you selected 2.5 in the ADP Version drop-down list, the application generates two record types in the external paydata File for each batch: a header record and paydata records.

The application generates one or more logical paydata records for each check an employee receives. Timesheet records are rolled up for each employee, field ID, user code, and shift code change. Correcting timesheets are included with regular timesheets to prevent ADP from printing a separate check for the correcting timesheet. Labor-only timesheets are not included in the paydata file.