Contents of the Import Employee Data Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Import Employee Data screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

File Information and Options

Field Description
File Format

From the drop-down list, select the input file format. Valid options are:

  • Comma-Separated (CSV): If you select this option, each field is separated by a comma. The final field on each line does not have a trailing comma. Strings are not enclosed in quotes.
  • Fixed-Length: If you select this option, each field is of fixed length and must be padded with spaces to the specified field width. You must use this type of file if you are going to import fields that contain commas in the data.
  • ADP ( Select this option to import data directly from the ASCII file formats generated by ADP's Full Masterfile Output Utility. The application determines which version of ADP prepared the file and automatically adjusts for the differences in the formats.
  • User-Defined: Select this option if you created a unique file layout in the Manage Employee Import User-Defined Format screen. Each field should be separated by a comma and the field position is determined by the layout in the Manage Employee Import User-Defined Format screen.
File Location

Enter the location of the input file you are importing. There are two ways to do this:

  • In the File Location field, enter, or click to select, the alternate file location where the input file is located. Alternate file locations are set up in the Manage Alternate File Locations screen.
  • From the Global Menu, click Process > File Upload. On the File Upload Manager dialog box, click Browse and use the dialog box to select the file you want to import. If you select the Overwrite? check box, Costpoint will overwrite any file of the same name that already exists in the Costpoint database. Click Upload when you are finished. If you use this method, leave the File Location field blank. For more information about the File Upload Manager, see the File Upload Manager topic in the Getting Started Guide.
File Name

Enter, or click to select, the name of the file to be processed. The error file has the same name with an extension of ".ERR." Do not give the input file an ".ERR" extension, or an error will occur.

Note: International users: The data can contain non-English characters, provided they are in the ASCII character set. Before creating an ASCII text (. TXT) file, be sure that your keyboard language is set to "EN" (United States English) to prevent the application from generating errors.

Deltek recommends that you use . TXT and . CSV file-naming conventions.

Deletion Indicator

Select the value that indicates field deletion.

If the selected value is specified for an existing employee, and the field allows deletions, then the corresponding Manage Employee Information and Manage Employee Salary Information column is deleted upon processing.

If the selected value is specified for a new employee, and the field is not required, then the corresponding Manage Employee Information and Manage Employee Salary Information column is populated with a NULL/blank value.


It is the responsibility of the application or program that creates the ASCII file to populate the file with the appropriate deletion indicator.

  • NULL ( CSV Format) / Blanks (Fixed/ ADP Format): Select this option if processing a comma-separated file format and a NULL value indicates that a value must be deleted from an existing record.

    Select this option if you are processing a fixed-length or ADP file format and blank spaces indicate that a value must be deleted from an existing record. For example, if you are processing a comma-separated file and no value is specified in the Emergency Telephone field for an employee in the input file, when that input file is imported, the employee's Emergency Telephone number in Costpoint's Manage Employee Information screen is deleted.


Values that are required by Costpoint (such as Employee ID) cannot be deleted. An attempt to delete a required value will result in an error on the Employee Basic Preprocessor Error Report.

  • Asterisk (*): Select this option if you are processing a comma-separated file or a fixed-length file format and an asterisk (*) indicates that a value should be deleted from an existing record.  For example, if you are processing an input file and an asterisk is specified in the Emergency Telephone field for an employee in the input file, then when that input file is imported, the employee's Emergency Telephone number in Costpoint's Manage Employee Information screen is deleted.

Values that are required by Costpoint (such as Employee ID) cannot be deleted.  An attempt to delete a required value results in an error on the Error Report.

Truncation Method

Use this drop-down list to select what action Costpoint takes when an input file field is too long for the target database column. This field is available only if you selected Comma-Separated in the File Format drop-down list. Valid options are:

  • Always truncate: If you select this option, values that are too long are always truncated without a warning. A warning message is written to the Error Report.
  • Never truncate: If you select this option, values that are too long are never truncated. The record is rejected and an error message is written to the Error Report.
  • Warn before truncation: If you select this option, a message box appears when a value that is too large is encountered in the input file. You are given the option to truncate the value or reject the record.
  • This field is enabled only when you select Comma-Separated Values or User-Defined as the File Format.
Rate Provided in File

From the drop-down list, select a default value for rate type. Use this field only when you are using the ADP file formats to import. Valid options are:

  • Annual
  • Hourly
  • Salary
ADP Hire Date Location

Enter the ADP Date Field Number that contains the hire date. This information is required for ADP processing only. The default is "1."

ADP Birth Date Location

Enter the ADP Date Field Number that contains the birth date. This information is optional for ADP processing only. The birth date location must be different from the hire date location.

Map Input File Employee ID to Payroll Service ID

Select this check box if the employee ID from the input file must be mapped to the PR Service ID assigned to a Costpoint employees.  

If this check box is selected, the Import Employee Data screen ignores the Costpoint employee ID and instead uses the PR Service ID to determine which employee records must be updated.  

If the input file's Employee ID matches the PR Service ID for an existing Costpoint employee, that employee's records are updated (employee treated as existing employee). If the input file's Employee ID does not match a PR Service ID for an existing Costpoint employee, a new employee is created and the input file Employee ID is used as the new Costpoint employee ID as well as the PR Service ID assigned to that employee (employee treated as new employee).

If this check box is not selected, the input file Employee ID is mapped to the Costpoint employee ID. If the input file Employee ID matches an existing Costpoint employee ID, that employee's records are updated (employee treated as existing employee). If the input file's Employee ID does not match an existing Costpoint employee ID, a new employee is created and the input file Employee ID is used as the new Costpoint employee ID. The input file Employee ID is also the PR Service ID assigned to that employee (employee treated as new employee).

Create/Update Vendor Record

Select this check box to create a vendor record in Accounts Payable for new employees. If you choose this option, the term ON RECEIPT must exist in the Vendor Terms table in Accounts Payable. The Vendor ID issued to the employee is the same as the Employee ID. For existing employees with vendor records, the following fields are updated in the VEND table:

  • LN_1_ADR
  • LN_2_ADR
  • LN_3_ADR

This check box is available only when you select the Add/Update Vendor on the Add/Updated of Employee check box on the Configure Vendor Settings screen.

Vendor Update Password

Enter the password that allows you to make updates to vendor information. This field is available only when the Create Vendor Record check box is selected.

You must enter a password if both the Add/Update Vendor on Add/Update of Employee check box (on the Configure Vendor Settings screen) and the Record Vendor Info Updates check box (on the Configure Accounts Payable Settings screen) are selected.

Use Standard Hours to calculate the Annual Rate

Select this check box to specify that the application should use Estimated Hours, which were entered in Record 2, to determine the relationship between hourly and annual pay. Otherwise, the application uses the value from the Work Hours in Year field in Record 2.

Default the Plant

Select this check box if the Plant data field should be populated for the employees being imported. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.

Default Values

Use the 16 fields in this group box to select the default values in the input file. If you select a default value for a field, any null (or blank) values encountered in the input file for that field are replaced with the default value you select. Note that this feature does not substitute a default value when an invalid value is encountered in the input file; invalid values cause the automatic rejection of the record containing the incorrect value.

Clear the drop-down lists to disable default value substitution.

Field Description
Update Existing Employees Check Box

Select the Update Existing Employees check box if the selected default value overrides data for existing employees. Please note that the default value is used only if a value is not provided in the input file.  Clear this check box if the selected default value does not override data for existing employees.

Timesheet Cycle

Enter, or click to select, a default value for timesheet cycle.

Leave Cycle

Enter, or click to select, a default value for leave cycle.

Default Overtime State

Enter, or click to select, a default value for overtime state.

Workers' Compensation

Enter, or click to select, a default value for worker's compensation.

Pay Type

Enter, or click to select, a default value for pay type.


Enter, or click to select, a default value for general labor category.

Timesheet Default GLC

Enter, or click to select, a default value for timesheet general labor category.

Employee Class

Enter, or click to select, a default value for employee class.

Employee Status

From the drop-down list, select a default value for employee status. Valid options are:

  • Active
  • Family Medical Leave
  • Inactive Accruing Leave
  • Inactive
FLSA Classification

From the drop-down list, select a default value for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status. Valid options are:

  • Exempt
  • Non-exempt
Rate Type

From the drop-down list, select a default value for hourly/salaried status. Valid options are:

  • Fluctuating
  • Hourly
  • Salaried
Employee Type

From the drop-down list, select a default value for employee type. Valid options are:

  • Regular
  • Part-time
  • Temporary
Home Organization

Enter, or click to select, a default value for home organization.

Visa Type

Enter, or click to select, a default value for visa type.


Enter, or click to select, a default value for race/ethnicity code for new employees.


Enter, or click to select, the Plant in which the employee will be working.

Import and Print Input File

Click and select one of the following options to upload the data into the Costpoint database tables and add new or update existing records.

  • Import: import employee information from a text file
  • Print/Import Employee Data: import and print H114 information from a text file.
  • Batch mode Print/Import Employee Data: import and print H114 information from a text file and specify the start date and time for the import.