Contents of the Manage Asset Government Information Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Asset Government Information Screen.

With this screen option, users do not automatically have access to data fields in other Asset Master subtasks; such access rights must be granted by the system administrator for each tab or subtask on a screen-by-screen basis.

Note: You can enter, edit, and view government data for an Asset Master record when you access the Manage Asset Master Information screen, which automatically grants access to all the available tabs and subtasks. An alternate access route to Asset Master tabs and subtasks gives you more flexibility when security options for users with different access needs are set up.
  • If screen rights allow you access to the Manage Asset Master Information screen, then that screen and all its tabs and subtasks are automatically accessible to you.
  • If you do not have access rights to the Manage Asset Master Information screen, the system administrator can alternately grant or deny rights using the direct menu option (via the Asset Master Records menu) on a screen-by-screen basis. In this manner, each user can only access the permissible subtasks or tabs in an Asset Master record.

When you first bring up this screen, a screen prompts you to enter a search criteria.

Although the data displays in columnar form in the table window on this screen, data entry functionality and data rules for each column are identical to those for each corresponding field in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, regardless of which entry screen methodology you establish for each user. You can also use the Form view option for this screen.

On this screen, unlike maintenance table windows throughout Costpoint, the line functions in the menu bar (Execute, New Record, Clone Record, Delete and Undelete) are disabled.

You cannot use this screen to add new asset records. You can enter additional optional data, change existing data, or delete existing data within the system rules already established for an Asset Master record that was originally added using the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

There are no required fields on this screen. Use the columns on this screen to record or change government (or other information) for four standard fields and 15 user-defined fields for both new property records and to initialize your historical property records.

Note: The system default labels reference "government" only as a matter of convenience and organization, Because these field names are user-defined, you can use these data fields to hold data for any asset type, including company-owned property and other "non-government" property. To edit the column name, you must do so on the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen. Each of the standard and user-defined fields in this subtask can be used solely and independently.

Although you can enter and change the information in this screen at any time, use caution in the timing of your data entry or edits, which may affect the types of records included in system reports.

Table Window

Field Description
Asset No

This non-editable column displays the asset number assigned to this record when the asset was saved on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

Item No

This non-editable column displays the item number assigned to this record when the asset was saved on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

Short Desc

This non-editable column displays the optional short description entered for this record, if applicable. The Short Desc data may have been entered or edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on the Manage Asset Description Information screen. Any edits to this column must be made on these two screens.

Record Status

This non-editable column displays the record status assigned to this record when the asset was saved or edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on the Manage Asset Description Information screen.

The options available for this display-only column are Active, Inactive, or Disposal. The system default is Active.

A record must be Active to be eligible for depreciation calculations. If you specify that a record is Inactive, the system will skip over this record for depreciation calculations and for reports that do not specify the inclusion of inactive records.

If a record has been disposed, Disposal displays in this column and your ability to change disposal data is limited.

Depr/Lease Status

This non-editable column displays the system-required depreciation status assigned to this record. Data displayed in this column may have been edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on the Manage Asset Description Information screen.

The possible display options for this column are Capitalize,Depreciable , and Non-Depreciable. The system default is Depreciable.

A record must be Depreciable to be eligible for depreciation calculations.

If a record is Depreciable, additional data will be required by the system, including a valid depreciation method and codes for valid G/L depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation account combinations.

If a record is Non-Depreciable, you cannot access data on the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information and the Manage Asset Other Books Information screens for those records.

Note: In many standard system reports, you can specify whether non-depreciable assets should be included among the selected records.
Nat Stock No

This column displays the optional national stock number entered for this record, if applicable, when the asset was saved or edited in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

The system does not validate the data in this column.

For a new asset record, you can enter the national stock number. For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this column or you can add new data to a blank column.

Year Built

This column displays the optional year built data entered for this record, if applicable, when the asset was saved or edited in the Govt Info tab of Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

The system does not validate the data in this column.

For a new asset record, you can enter the year built in year format (for example, 1983). For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this column or you can add new data to a blank column.

Acq Date

The optional acquisition date that relates to the purchase displays both in this column and in the Acq Date column of the Manage Asset Purchase Information screen. If you have entered a date in the Acq Date column of that screen, that date displays in this column, where it can also be edited. Conversely, edits to the date in this column display in the Acq Date column of the Manage Asset Purchase Information screen.

This column displays the optional acquisition date entered for this record, if applicable. Data for the Acq Date column may have been entered or edited on the following screens:

  • Govt Info or Purch Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen
  • or directly on this screen
  • or directly on the Manage Asset Purchase Information screen

Although the system does not validate the acquisition date, a few standard system reports use the acquisition date as one of the report selection parameters. In addition, you may find that the acquisition date is an important field when using Query or when designing user-specific output with Costpoint Business Intelligence.

For both new and existing asset records, you can edit, or click to select, the acquisition date that displays in this column or you can add data to a blank column. You may want to develop some internal rules on the use of an acquisition date, however, because there are four additional (optional) date fields related to purchase (PO Date, Receipt Date, Invoice Date, and Voucher Date) and two additional date fields related to depreciation (Depr Start Date and In-Service Date) in an Asset Master record.

Tag Number

This column displays the optional tag number entered for this record, if applicable, when the asset was saved or edited in the Govt tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

The system does not validate the data in this column.

For a new asset record, you can enter or edit this optional column. For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this column or you can add new data to a blank column.

Note: If it is your company policy to assign the physical property tag number as the unique identifier for an asset record, the data in this field will be the same as the identifier in the Asset No field.
Employee ID

This column displays the optional employee entered for this record, if applicable. Data displayed in this column may have been entered or edited in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or directly on this screen.

For a new asset record, enter, or click to select, a valid employee ID "owner" to the asset. Valid employees are set up in Costpoint Payroll.

For an existing asset record, this column will display the selection you made when you originally added the record.

This column can contain blanks, because custodial data is not required to save a row on this screen and is not required in an Asset Master record. You can, however, enter only valid data from the EMPL table in this column.

If you need to enter asset data for custodians that are not employees (or if you do not want to use this column), you can use the other user-defined "government" columns on this screen and/or the user-defined columns in the User-Defined Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen (or the Manage Asset User-Defined Information screen).

Employee Name

If you have specified a valid entry in the Employee ID column on this screen, this column displays the employee name (last, first, MI) for the displayed employee ID. You can also click to select an employee name, and the corresponding employee ID will display in the Employee ID column after you made the selection.

Govt1 (or your label)

If you designated a label for Govt 1 Label field in the Govt Labels for Asset Master group box of the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen, your label displays at this field. Note that you are not required to establish a label for this field. If you did not set up a label for Govt 1 Label, Govt1Label displays.

To edit the column name, you must do so on the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen.

This column displays the optional data assigned to this record, if applicable, when the asset was saved or edited in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or directly on this screen.

The system does not validate the data in this column.

For a new asset record, you can edit or enter data in this  column. For an existing asset record, you can edit data that displays in this column or you can add new data to a blank column.

This user-defined field can be used independently from each of the other 14 user-defined government information fields.

Govt2 to Govt15 Label (or your label)

Please refer to the documentation for the Govt1 (or your label) column.


This column displays the data assigned to this record when it was edited or saved in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or directly on this screen.

Enter the Unique Item Identifier (UID) for this asset record.

UID Type

This column displays the data assigned to this record when it was edited or saved in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or directly on this screen.

Enter, or click to select, the Unique Item Identifier (UID) type to indicate what construction method was used for the UID code.

UID Issuing Agency

This column displays the data assigned to this record when it was edited or saved in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or directly on this screen.

Enter the Issuing Agency code who assigned the enterprise identifier for the UID.

UID Enterprise Identifier

This column displays the data assigned to this record when it was edited or saved in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or directly on this screen.

Enter the UID Enterprise Identifier code assigned by the issuing agency to the manufacturer, vendor, contractor or other entity responsible for creating the UID.


This column displays the data assigned to this record when it was edited or saved in the Govt Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or directly on this screen.

Enter the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) ID that identifies the government contractor for this asset record.