Revise ETC Subtask

Use this subtask to update project budgets using a percent complete entered on this subtask.

You can update budgets with actual, incurred expenses. In addition, you can update revenue formulas with Estimate to Complete (ETC) or Latest Revised Estimate at Completion (LREAC). Use it any time to update project budgets.

Revise ETC

Use the options in this group box to select the option that you would like to use to update your ETC.

Field Description
Update with Percent Complete

Select this check box and enter up to 100% in the untitled field to the right as the percentage to complete for the selected project budgets.

Update ETC with Budget Less Incurred

Select this check box to include the ETC amount less the actual incurred amounts for the selected project budgets.

Update Previous EAC & Percent Complete

Select this check box to include previous Estimate at Completion (EAC) and percent complete figures for the selected project budgets.

Update Revenue

Use the options in this group box to update the revenue.

Field Description
Update Revenue with LREAC, ETC or Pct Complete

Select this check box to update the revenue amounts with completion figures for the selected baseline or workplan project budgets.


Click this button to begin the project budget updates.


Click this button to close the subtask and cancel the project budget updates.