Contents of the Manage Contract Management Customer Info Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Contract Management Customer Info screen.


Use the fields in this group box to specify the prospective customer ID and name.

Field Description
Prospective Customer ID Enter a unique prospective customer ID, or leave this field blank to have Costpoint automatically assign an ID if the Auto-Assign Customer Prospect IDs checkbox is selected on the Configure Contract Management Settings screen.
Future Customer Account/Customer Account

For prospective customers (those with a customer record status of Prospective Customer), this field is labeled Future Customer Account and displays the future customer account associated with the prospective customer, if it exists. You set up future customer accounts on the Approve Prospective Customers screen.

For already approved or active customers (those with a customer record status of Customer), this field is labeled Customer Account and displays the customer account as a hyperlink that you can use to access additional information about the customer. When you click this link, Costpoint displays the Manage Customers screen, where you can view details about the customer.

This field is not editable for both prospective and active customers.

Name Enter the name that you want to use internally for the prospective customer. When you tab out of this field, the name that you entered automatically fills the Long Name field. You can then edit the customer's long name.
Long Name Enter the name for the prospective customer that you want to print on customer statements. The customer name fills this field.
Customer Record Status This field displays Customer or Prospective Customer. Once a customer with a Prospective Customer record status is approved on the Approve Prospective Customers screen, its status becomes Customer.
Average Rating

This field displays the average rating (in percentage) of all contract performance assessments related to this customer record. Costpoint uses the Total Score Percent values on the Performance Assessment tab in the calculation.

This field and the Performance Assessment tab are visible only to customers and hidden for prospective customers.