The Manage Employee Security Clearances (EMPL_SEC_CLR) table stores information on the security statuses assigned to employees.
Costpoint Destination Table | Costpoint Destination Field | Costpoint Field Description | Required (Y/N) | Talent Management/Default Source |
EMPL_SEC_CLR | AGENCY NAME | Issuing agency | Y | N/A |
EMPL_SEC_CLR | EFFECTIVE_DT | Effective date | N | N/A |
Note: This is the Costpoint Employee ID linked to an active HUA_ID that is identical to the user_id from Talent Management.
Y | hua_user_id |
EMPL_SEC_CLR | EXPIRY_DT | Expiration date | N | N/A |
EMPL_SEC_CLR | INVESTIGATE_BY | Investigation by | N | N/A |
EMPL_SEC_CLR | INVESTIGATE_DT | Investigation date | N | N/A |
EMPL_SEC_CLR | REINVESTIGATE_DT | Reinvestigation date | N | N/A |
EMPL_SEC_CLR | RQUEST_DT | Requested date | N | N/A |
EMPL_SEC_CLR | SEC_CLR_CD | Security clearance code | Y | N/A |
Parent Topic: Talent Management to Costpoint Data Mapping