The Employee Tax (EMPL_TAX) table stores employee federal and state W-4 information.
Costpoint Destination Table | Costpoint Destination Field | Costpoint Field Description | Required (Y/N) | Talent Management/Default Source |
EMPL_TAX | AEIC_EXMPT_NO | AEIC exemption number | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | AEIC_OVRIDE_AMT | AEIC override Amount | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | AR_SEAS_EMPL | Arkansas seasonal employee code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | CLASS_CD | class code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | CORP_OFCR_ID | corporate officer ID | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | COVG_TYPE | Coverage type | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | DSLE_ESS_W4_FL | Disable ESS W-4 flag | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | EE_ER_RELATION_CD | Employee/employer relationship | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | EMPL_ID | Employee ID | Y (if auto ID generation is not enabled) | user_employee_id |
EMPL_TAX | FED_ADDTL_AMT | Federal additional withholdingamount | N | ESS |
EMPL_TAX | FED_EXMPT_NO | Number of federal withholding exemption claimed | N | ESS |
EMPL_TAX | FED_OVRIDE_AMT | Federal withholding override amount | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | FED_OVRIDE_PCT | Federal override percent | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | FUTA_TXBL_FL | Federal unemployment tax flag (Y/N) | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | FUTURE_TXBL_FL | Future use flag (Y/N) | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LC1_OVRIDE_PCT | Local 1 override percent | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LC2_OVRIDE_PCT | Local 2 override percent | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LC3_OVRIDE_PCT | Local 3 override percent | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LC4_OVRIDE_PCT | Local 4 override percent | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LC5_OVRIDE_PCT | Local 5 override percent | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC1_ADDTL_AMT | Locality 1 additional withholding amount | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC1_CREDIT_NO | Locality 1 number of credits claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC1_DEPEND_NO | Locality 1 number of dependents claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC1_EXMPT_NO | Locality 1 number of exemptions claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC1_OVRIDE_AMT | Locality 1 withholding override claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC2_ADDTL_AMT | Locality 2 additional withholding amount | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC2_CREDIT_NO | Locality 2 number of credits claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC2_DEPEND_NO | Locality 2 number of dependents claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC2_EXMPT_NO | Locality 2 number of exemptions claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC2_OVRIDE_AMT | Locality 2 withholding override claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC3_ADDTL_AMT | Locality 3 additional withholding amount | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC3_CREDIT_NO | Locality 3 number of credits claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC3_DEPEND_NO | Locality 3 number of dependents claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC3_EXMPT_NO | Locality 3 number of exemptions claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC3_OVRIDE_AMT | Locality 3 withholding override claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC4_ADDTL_AMT | Locality 4 additional withholding amount | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC4_CREDIT_NO | Locality 4 number of credits claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC4_DEPEND_NO | Locality 4 number of dependents claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC4_EXMPT_NO | Locality 4 number of exemptions claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC4_OVRIDE_AMT | Locality 4 withholding override claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC5_ADDTL_AMT | Locality 5 additional withholding amount | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC5_CREDIT_NO | Locality 5 number of credits claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC5_DEPEND_NO | Locality 5 number of dependents claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC5_EXMPT_NO | Locality 5 number of exemptions claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | LOC5_OVRIDE_AMT | Locality 5 withholding Override Claimed | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | MAIL_STATE_DC | Tax state | Y ( if the employee's pay cycle is set up for multi-state tax) | user_state_abbreviation |
EMPL_TAX | MEDICR_TXBL_FL | Medicare taxable flag (Y/N) | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | MN_WORKSITE_NO | Minnesota worksite number | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | MO_PROBATION_FL | MO probationary flag | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | MODIFIED_BY | ID of the user who last created or modified row | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | NE_MIN_WH_FL | Exempt from Nebraska minimum withholding | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | NRA_FL | Nonresident alien flag | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | OWNER_FL | Owner flag | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | PA_PSD_CD | Pennsylvania resident PSD code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | PA_WORK_PSD_CD | Pennsylvania work location PSD code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | PAY_PD_CD | Pay cycle code | Y | CP Job Template; CP Company Default |
EMPL_TAX | PENSION_PLAN_FL | Pension plan covered flag (Y/N) | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | ROWVERSION | System-assigned number to handle row concurrency | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_AEIC_FIL_STAT_CD | Filing Status AEIC Code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_AK_GEO_CD | Geographic code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_AK_OCC_CD | Alaska occupational code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_FED_FIL_STAT_CD | Federal filing status code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_FED_WH_MTHD_CD | Filing status federal tax withholding method code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_LOC1_FIL_STAT_CD | Filing status locality 1 code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_LOC2_FIL_STAT_CD | Filing status locality 2 code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_LOC3_FIL_STAT_CD | Filing status locality 3 code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_LOC4_FIL_STAT_CD | Filing status locality 4 code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_LOC5_FIL_STAT_CD | Filing status locality 5 code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | S_ST_FIL_STAT_CD | State filing status code | N | ESS |
EMPL_TAX | SPCL_DED_FL | Puerto Rico special deduction fag | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | SS_TXBL_FL | Social Security taxable flag (Y/N) | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | ST_ADDTL_AMT | State additional withholding amount | N | ESS |
EMPL_TAX | ST_CREDIT_NO | State number of credits claimed | N | ESS |
EMPL_TAX | ST_DEPEND_NO | State number of dependents claimed | N | ESS |
EMPL_TAX | ST_EXMPT_NO | State number of exemptions claimed | N | ESS |
EMPL_TAX | ST_OVRIDE_AMT | State withholding override amount | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | ST_OVRIDE_PCT | State override percent | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | SUTA_STATE_CD | State unemployment tax state code | Y (if SUTA_TXBL_FL field value is Y) | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | SUTA_TXBL_FL | Subject to SUTA | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | TAX_SVC_GRP_ID | Payroll tax service group ID | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | TIME_STAMP | Date and time of row creation or last modification | Y | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | US_CITIZEN_STAT_CD | U.S. citizenship status code | Y (if the SUTA_STATE_CD field value is VI) | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | VET_EXMPT_FL | Puerto Rico veteran exemption Flag | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | WAGE_PLN_CD | Wage plan code | Y (if the SUTA_STATE_CD field value is CA) | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | WH_LOC1_CD | Withholding locality 1 code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | WH_LOC2_CD | Withholding locality 2 code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | WH_LOC3_CD | Withholding locality 3 code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | WH_LOC4_CD | Withholding locality 4 code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | WH_LOC5_CD | Withholding locality 5 code | N | N/A |
EMPL_TAX | WH_STATE_CD | Withholding state code | N | N/A |
Parent Topic: Talent Management to Costpoint Data Mapping