Revenue Info Subtask

Use this subtask of the Manage Alternate Project Revenue Profiles screen to override production values of the revenue information setup for this project.

You can modify the formula used to compute revenue, the discount method, and the default revenue posting method. In addition, you can change the multipliers used in calculating the billing value of project costs incurred. You can also mark existing records for deletion. Override values will be used only in the alternate database and will not replace the values in the production database. Removal of records will also occur only in the alternate database.

You cannot edit the Production Value fields on this subtask. You can only modify the Alternate Profile Override fields, but these are not required. You should enter values in the Alternate Profile Override fields only when they are different from the production values.


This table includes information about Revenue Info settings.

Field Description
Delete revenue formula for this Project level for Alternate Revenue Profile

Select this check box to delete the revenue formula for this project level in the alternate revenue profile.

Record Status

This field displays the status of this revenue information record. For records that have not yet been modified, this field is blank. For new records or those that have already been updated, this field displays one the following statuses:

  • Override: This indicates that this record contains override values.
  • Delete: This indicates that this record has been marked for deletion.
  • New: This indicates that this is a new record.
  • Subtask Only: This indicates that this record is saved without changes or it contains data only on one or more of this subtask's subtasks.

Revenue Formula

This table includes information about Revenue Formula settings.

Field Description
Production Value

This field displays the production value of the revenue formula used to compute revenue for this project.

Alternate Profile Override

Enter, or click to select, the alternate profile revenue formula override.

Revenue Calc Value

This table includes information about Revenue Calc Value settings.

Revenue Calc Value consists of not more than three fields. The descriptions of these fields depend on the production value of Revenue Formula. Some formulas use only one field; others use two or three fields. If a formula does not use Revenue Calc Value, these fields display Not Applicable.

Field Description
Production Value

These fields display the production values of the amounts corresponding to the Revenue Cal Value fields. If the Rev Calc Value fields are Not Applicable, these fields do not display.

Alternate Profile Override

When you enter an alternate profile revenue formula override, use these fields to enter the alternate profile value override amounts applicable to the Override Revenue Calc Value Field Name (if applicable) fields.

For example, if the production revenue formula is CVPC, Pct. Complete and its corresponding production amount display. When you enter LLRBFNBF as the alternate profile revenue formula override, Labor Fee Pct. and Non-Labor Fee Pct. display under Override Revenue Calc Value Field Name (if applicable), and the fields under Alternate Profile Override become available for data entry. You then enter the fee percentages that apply to this project.

Override Revenue Calc Value Field Name (if applicable)

These fields display the alternate profile Revenue Cal Value field names, if applicable, when you enter an alternate profile revenue formula override.

ITD Loss Amount

This table includes information about ITD Loss Amount settings.

Field Description
Production Value

This field displays the production value of the inception-to-date (ITD) loss amount, if applicable. If the production revenue formula does not involve ITD losses, this field does not display.

Alternate Profile Override

If the production revenue formula involves ITD losses, enter the alternate profile ITD loss amount override in this field. Otherwise, this field displays Not Applicable.

If the production revenue formula involves ITD losses and you enter a revenue formula override that does not involve ITD losses, you will not be able to enter a value in this field.

Labor Goal Multiplier

This table includes information about Labor Goal Multiplier settings.

Field Description
Production Value

This field displays the production value of the goal multiplier for labor costs for this project.

Alternate Profile Override

Enter the alternate profile goal multiplier override for labor costs.

Non-Labor Goal Multiplier

This table includes information about Non-Labor Goal Multiplier settings.

Field Description
Production Value

This field displays the production value of the goal multiplier for non-labor costs for this project.

Alternate Profile Override

Enter the alternate profile goal multiplier override for non-labor costs.

Discount Method

This table includes information about Discount Method settings.

Field Description
Production Value

This field displays the production value of the discount method for this project.

Alternate Profile Override

Select an alternate profile discount method override from the drop-down list.

Post Revenue to __ Org

This table includes information about Post Revenue to __ Org settings.

Field Description
Production Value

This field displays whether the project's revenue will be posted to the owning organization or performing organization in the production database.

Alternate Profile Override

From the drop-down list, select an alternate profile override for the organization to which revenue should be posted.

Calc Revenue on Units

This table includes information about Calc Revenue on Units settings.

Field Description
Production Value

This field displays the production value of the Calc Revenue on Units flag for this project.

Alternate Profile Override

Select the alternate profile Calc Revenue on Units flag override from the drop-down list. Valid values are None, N, and Y. If you select Y, Costpoint calculate revenue on units in addition to the revenue that is calculated based on the revenue formula, if the revenue formula allows unit revenue calculation.

Allow Revenue to Exceed

This table includes information about Allow Revenue to Exceed settings.

Field Description
Production Value

This field displays the production value of the Allow Revenue to Exceed flag for this project.

Alternate Profile Override

Select the alternate profile Allow Revenue to Exceed flag override from the drop-down list. Valid values are None, N, and Y.

By how much?

This table includes information about Allow Revenue to Exceed settings.

Field Description
Production Value

This field displays the production value of the amount by which the contract or funded value ceiling can be exceeded. This field displays 0.00 if the production Allow Revenue to Exceed flag is N.

Alternate Profile Override

Enter the alternate profile maximum amount override by which this project's revenue may exceed its contract or funded value. This field is enabled only if the alternate profile Allow Revenue to Exceed flag override is Y.


Subtask Description
Award Fee Click this link to open the Award Fee subtask where you can override the production values of the award fee accrual method, amount, and percent for this project.
Revenue Adjustments Click this link to open the Revenue Adjustments subtask where you can override the production values of the revenue adjustment and award fee adjustment amounts for this project.