Manage Alternate Project Revenue Profiles

Use this screen to override different revenue parameters for an existing project to be used in an alternate database. Revenue parameters that you can edit include revenue formula and calculation values, modifications, and ceilings.

You should only use this screen for projects that need changes due to the new revenue standard, ASC 606. You should enter only values that are different from the production values.

Before you use this application, you must have copied the production database to an alternate database, and select Production on the Corporate Settings subtask of the Configure General Ledger Settings screen. You can set up alternate profiles for projects only in the production database. After you selected Alternate Revenue Calculations on this subtask and ran the utility to activate the alternate revenue profiles, you will not be able to access and modify the alternate revenue profiles.

You cannot add a new project using this screen; projects must already exist in the production database before you can access them here. You will also not be able to delete any project.


This screen has two tabs:

  • Basic Info: Use this tab to override the production values for some of the project's basic information, including the Active and Allow Charging flags, project account group, and owning organization.
  • Total Ceilings: Use this tab to override the production values of the ceiling codes used for the funded and contract values of the project.