Project Location Subtask

Use this subtask to maintain project location data.

Project location data is used primarily to produce lien waivers. A lien waiver is a document that is signed by the payee, acknowledging payment for services rendered and releasing the pay vendor from any liens. The waiver sent by the vendor with payment for a particular service is signed and returned by the pay vendor. You can also use these fields to group project data by location for state tax apportionment purposes. This subtask is not required to set up a project.


Field Description
Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3

Enter the street address of your project in these fields.


Enter the city where the project is located.

Note: If a postal code for this city exists on the Manage Postal Codes screen, you can enter the postal code first, which then populates the city, state/province, and country code from the Manage Postal Codes screen.

Enter, or click to select, the state or province code. The state or province name displays to the right after a code has been entered. The state or province code must be on the Manage States and Provinces screen to be valid in this screen.

If a postal code for this state/province exists on the Manage Postal Codes screen, you can enter the postal code first, which then populates the city, state/province, and country code from the Manage Postal Codes screen.


Enter, or click to select, the country code where the project is located. The country name displays to the right after a code has been entered. The country entered must first exist on the Manage Countries screen (COUNTRY table).

If a postal code for this country code exists on the Manage Postal Codes screen, you can enter the postal code first, which then populates the city, state/province, and country code from the Manage Postal Codes screen.

Postal Code

Enter, or click to select, a valid postal code. The postal code entered here must first exist on the Manage Postal Codes screen (POSTAL_CD table).


Enter the county in which the project is located.

Lien Waiver Document Code

Enter, or click to select, a valid waiver document code. Valid lien waiver codes are stored in the LIEN_WAIVER_DOCS table.