Contents of the Manage Change Orders Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Change Orders screen.

CO Project

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a valid project for the change order. This field is required. The description of the project appears in the non-editable field to the right. You can enter change orders at any level of the project and at multiple levels of the same project. On reports that provide change order totals, change orders entered at and below the budget level are summarized into the totals.

Cumulative Amounts

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the sum of the change order amount lines.

Unallocated Amount

Enter the amount of the change order total that cannot be identified to a specific account. The sum of the Totals and Unallocated Amount fields must equal the CO Total field on the Project Info tab before the screen can be saved.

Table Window

Use this table window to record the individual line items of the change orders. You can enter lines to allocate or budget the change order. You can designate each of the lines with a Line Type and you can open a subtask for entering detailed information about the line. Because a project's scope of work can change without the accounts or cost codes fully identified, this table window is optional. In such a case, enter all or part of the change order amount in the Unallocated Amount field. The sum of the line modifications and the Unallocated Amount field must equal the CO Total field on the Project Info tab before you can save the screen. Note that you must completely allocate a change order before it can be approved.

Field Description
Line Type

Enter, or click the drop-down list to select, the line type for this line. Available options are:

  • D: None
  • H: Hours
  • S: Subcontractors
  • U: Units

    If you select either the H, S, or U options, the appropriate subtask is enabled. Each line can have only one line type but you can enter different line types for the same change order.


Enter, or click to select, a valid account for this line. This field is required.


Enter, or click to select, a valid organization for this line. This field is required.

Ref 1

If you are using the reference number feature, enter, or click to select, a valid Reference No. 1 for this line. Many companies in the construction industry find it helpful to use Reference No. 1 to set up cost code structures. Data entry and budgeting can then be performed by cost code.

Changes [+-]

Enter the amount of the change order line. The amount can be positive or negative.


Enter a fee or markup percentage for this change order line. Entering 1.00 represents no markup rate. To reflect a profit or fee of 50%, enter 1.50. This field is editable; making modifications here causes the Profit Amount column to recalculate.

This column helps track profits for Costpoint Advanced Project Budgeting by allowing change order markups. These profits and fees are especially important for those product budgets that use multipliers.

Profit Amount

This column displays the profit derived from the Total Amount less the Changes amount. This field is editable; making modifications here causes the Multiplier column to recalculate.

Total Amount

This column displays the Changes amount times the Multiplier.

Account Name

This non-editable field displays the name of the selected account.

Organization Name

This non-editable field displays the name of the selected organization.


Subtask Description
Hours Click this link to open a subtask where you can enter detailed information on each of the employees and vendors that compose the hours lines.
Subcontractors Click this link to open a subtask where you can enter detailed information on each of the subcontractors that compose the subcontractors lines.
Units Click this link to open a subtask where you can enter detailed information on each of the units that compose the units lines.