Vendor Labor Details Subtask

Use this subtask to view timesheet level details associated with the Vendor Labor subtask. All fields on this subtask are non-editable.

Table Window

Field Description
Labor Sub Line

This field displays the labor sub line number.

Timesheet Hours Date

This field displays the date when the labor hours were incurred.

Pay Type

This field displays the pay type associated with the timesheet labor.

Pay Type Factor

This field displays the multiplier factor associated with the pay type.


This field displays the timesheet hours for this vendor labor detail record.


This field displays the labor rate associated with this vendor labor detail record.

Adjusted Rate

This field displays the labor rate adjusted by the pay type factor.


This field displays the additional amount associated with the pay type.

Total Amount

This field displays the total timesheet line amount for this vendor labor detail record.

Outside Period of Performance

If this check box is selected, it indicates that the timesheet date is outside the start and end dates of the period of performance, and that this record is an "at risk" transaction and will be posted to the unallowable account on the work assignment charge line.

Over Allowed Hours

If this check box is selected, it indicates that the timesheet hours are beyond the allowed limit, and that this record is an "at risk" transaction and will be posted to the unallowable account on the work assignment charge line.

Over Allowed Amount

If this check box is selected, it indicates that the timesheet amount is beyond the allowed limit, and that this record is an "at risk" transaction and will be posted to the unallowable account on the work assignment charge line.


This field displays notes or comments about the timesheet, if any.