Invoices Subtask

Use this subtask of the Charges subtask to view information on the subcontractor invoice created for the work assignment charge line.

All fields are display-only and cannot be edited.


Field Description
Work Assignment ID

This field displays the work assignment ID.

Work Assignment Description

This field displays the work assignment description.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the work assignment.


This field displays the vendor number to which the purchase order (PO) is issued.


This field displays the PO ID.


This field displays the release number for the PO.


This field displays the charge line number.


This field displays the description of the charge line item.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the charge line.

PO Line

This field displays the PO line number.

Table Window

Field Description
Invoice Control No

This field displays the invoice control number, which is the unique identifier of the invoice. After approval, this becomes the invoice number.

Fiscal Year

This field displays the fiscal year in which this invoice will be posted.


This field displays the period in which this invoice will be posted.


This field displays the subperiod in which this invoice will be posted.

Trans Currency

The transaction currency value of the subcontractor invoice displays in this field.

Invoice Number

This field displays the invoice number associated with this invoice.

Invoice Date

This field displays the invoice date.

Invoice Amount

This field displays the invoice amount.

Invoice Period Start Date

This field displays the starting timesheet date for the subcontractor invoice.

Invoice Period End Date

This field displays the ending timesheet date for the subcontractor invoice.

Internal Approved

If selected, this check box indicates that the subcontractor invoice was approved internally.

Internal Approver

This field displays the name of the person who approved the subcontractor invoice internally.

Internal Approved Date

This field displays the date the subcontractor invoice was internally approved.

Subcontractor Approved

If selected, this check box indicates that the subcontractor approved the subcontractor invoice.

Subcontractor Approver

This field displays the name of the person who approved the subcontractor invoice for the subcontractor.

Subcontractor Approved Date

This field displays the date when the subcontractor approved the invoice.

Vchr Line

This field displays the voucher line number.

Invoice Quantity

This field displays the quantity of the item being invoiced.

Invoice Unit Cost

This field displays the unit cost for the item being invoiced. This is the actual cost of one unit of the item.

Invoice Ext Amount

This field displays the extended amount for this invoice line.

If the Invoice Quantity is greater than zero, Costpoint calculates the invoice extended amount automatically. The calculation is Invoice Quantity times Invoice Unit Cost.


If selected, this check box indicates that this invoice line is taxable.


This field displays the type of tax calculated for this invoice line: Valid values are:

  • None
  • Sales - This indicates that the item is taxable, and the vendor has charged sales tax on the invoice.
  • Use - This indicates that the item is subject to tax, but the vendor did not charge sales tax on the invoice.
Tax Code

This field displays the tax code for this invoice line. The tax code determines the tax rate used to calculate all taxes for this invoice line.

Tax Rate

This field displays the tax rate for the Tax Code.

Sales/VAT Tax Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the sales tax or value-added tax (VAT) amount when the Taxability option is set to Sales.

The calculation of this amount is Invoice Ext Amount multiplied by Tax Rate.

Line Charge Cost Amount

The amount of all line charges applied to this invoice line displays in this field. This amount does not include any sales or use tax applied to the charge type. Charge type examples include freight, tooling, and training. These costs become part of the total cost of this invoice line.

Line Charge Sales/VAT Tax Amt

The sales tax or VAT amount of all line charges applied to this invoice line displays in this field. These costs become part of the total cost of this invoice line.

Recovery Rate

This field indicates the percentage of value-added tax that is recoverable. This percentage is determined by the taxing authority for the selected tax code.

Recovery Amt

The amount of value-added tax that is recoverable displays in this field. Costpoint calculates this amount by multiplying the Line Charge > Sales/VAT Tax Amt by the Recovery Rate.

Total Before Discount Amt

Costpoint automatically calculates the total before discount amount. The calculation follows: Invoice Ext Amount plus Sales/VAT Tax Amount plus Line Charge Cost Amount plus Line Charge Sales/VAT Tax Amount. This field does not include any applicable use tax amounts.

Discount Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the discount amount. The calculation is Total Before Discount Amt times the Percent field in the Discount group box.

Total After Discount Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the total after discount amount. The calculation is Total Before Discount Amt less Discount Amount.

Vend Lab Tot Hrs

This field displays the vendor labor total hours.

Vend Lab Tot Amt

This field displays vendor labor total amount.

Total Sales/VAT Tax Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the total sales tax or VAT amount. The calculation is Sales/VAT Tax Amount plus Line Charge Sales/VAT Tax Amount.

Total Amount

Costpoint automatically calculates the total amount. The calculation follows: Total After Discount Amount plus Total Sales/VAT Tax Amount plus Total Use/Reverse Tax Amt.

RMA Number

This field displays the vendor's Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number.


Subtask Description
Receipts Click this link to open the Receipts subtask to view receipts for the purchase order associated with the subcontractor invoice line.
Vendor Labor Click this link to open the Vendor Labor subtask, which contains information relating to the total hours and cost amount charged against the various labor categories for the given subcontractor invoice line.
Account Distribution Click this link to open the Account Distribution subtask, which contains information relating to the charge code allocations for the given subcontractor invoice line.