Charges Subtask

Use this subtask of the View Work Assignment Status screen to view charging information on the charge line associated with the work assignment.

All fields are display-only and cannot be edited.


Field Description
Work Assignment ID

This field displays the work assignment ID.

Work Assignment Description

This field displays the work assignment description.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the work assignment.


This field displays the vendor number to which the purchase order (PO) is issued.


This field displays the PO ID.


This field displays the release number for the PO.

Table Window

Field Description

This field displays the charge line number.

PO Line

This field displays the PO line number associated with the charge line.


This field displays the item linked to the charge line.


This field displays the item revision number.


This field displays the description of the line item.

Misc Type

This field displays the PO line charge type code.

Charge Line Start Date

This field displays the charge line start date.

Charge Line End Date

This field displays the charge line end date.

Charge Type

This field displays the charge type for the charge line. Valid values are:

  • Labor: This indicates that the charge line will be available in Time & Expense for timesheet entry.
  • Expense: This indicates that the charge line will be available in Time & Expense for expense entry.
  • Other
Approval Status

This field displays the charge line approval status. Valid values are:

  • None
  • Pending
  • Approved
  • Closed
  • Rejected
  • Hold
Rejection Reason

This field displays the notes indicating the reason for rejecting the charge line.


This field displays the approver name.


This field displays the ID of the project to receive charges for this charge line.

Project Name

This field displays the project name.


This field displays the ID of the account to receive charges for this charge line.

Account Name

This field displays the account name.


This field displays the ID of the organization to receive charges for this charge line.

Organization Name

This field displays the organization name.


This field displays the general labor category (GLC) code for this charge line.

GLC Description

This field displays the GLC description.


This field displays the project labor category (PLC) code for this charge line.

PLC Description

This field displays the PLC description.


This field displays the rate used when paying the subcontractor for the vendor employees associated with this charge line.


This field displays the quantity charged for this charge line.

Amount Before Discount

This field displays the amount charged for this charge line.

Discount Rate

This field displays the discount rate.

Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount. Costpoint calculates it as follows: Amount Before Discount multiplied by Discount Rate.

Amount After Discount

This field displays the amount after factoring in the discount. Costpoint calculates is as follows: Amount Before Discount less Discount Amount.


This field displays the type of tax calculated for this charge line. Valid values are:

  • Sales Tax: This indicates that the item is subject to sales tax or value-added tax (VAT).
  • Non-taxable: This indicates that the item is non-taxable.
Tax/VAT Code

This field displays the tax code for this charge line.

Tax Rate

This field displays the tax rate for the tax/VAT code.

Charge Line Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the sales tax or VAT amount for this charge line. If a tax/VAT code exists, Costpoint automatically calculates this amount as follows: Amount Before Discount multiplied by Tax Rate.

Work Assignment PO Line Charges

This field displays the sum of charges on the WA PO Line Charges subtask.

PO Line Charge Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the sum of sales tax/VAT amounts on the WA PO Line Charges subtask.

Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the sales tax/VAT amount.

Total Charge Line Amt

This field displays the total charge line amount. Costpoint calculates it as Amount After Discount plus Sales Tax/VAT Amt plus Work Assignment PO Line Charges.

Trans Remaining PO Line Amount

This field displays the remaining PO line amount in transaction currency. Costpoint calculates it as Open PO/PO Line Amount less Un-Vouchered Amount less Remaining Work Assignment Charge Line Amount using values from the Remaining PO Line Status subtask.

Func Remaining PO Line Amount

This field displays the remaining PO line amount in functional currency. Costpoint calculates it as Open PO/PO Line Amount less Un-Vouchered Amount less Remaining Work Assignment Charge Line Amount using values from the Remaining PO Line Status subtask.


This field displays the city for the vendor employee who can charge against the charge line. If there are multiple vendor employees linked to the charge line and the city is not the same for these vendor employees, this field is blank.


This field displays the state for the vendor employee who can charge against the charge line. If there are multiple vendor employees linked to the charge line and the state is not the same for these vendor employees, this field is blank.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code for the vendor employee who can charge against the charge line. If there are multiple vendor employees linked to the charge line and the postal code is not the same for these vendor employees, this field is blank.


This field displays the country for the vendor employee who can charge against the charge line. If there are multiple vendor employees linked to the charge line and the country is not the same for these vendor employees, this field is blank.

Ref 1

This field displays the first reference number for this charge line.

Ref 1 Name

This field displays the name of the first reference number.

Ref 2

This field displays the second reference number for this charge line.

Ref 2 Name

This field displays the name of the second reference number.

Closed Date

This field displays the charge line closed date and is populated by Costpoint when the charge line approval status is set to Closed.

Unallowable Account

This field displays the unallowable account for this charge line.

Unallowable Account Name

This field displays the unallowable account name.

PO Match Type

This field displays the type of matching required for the PO line. Valid values are None, 2-way, and 3-way.

Remaining PO Line Quantity

This field displays the remaining PO line quantity for this charge line. Costpoint calculates it as Open PO/PO Line Quantity less Un-Vouchered Quantity less Remaining Work Assignment Charge Line Quantity using values from the Remaining PO Line Status subtask.

US Citizenship Reqd

If selected, this check box indicates that the vendor employees associated with the charge line require US citizenship.

ITAR Authorization Reqd

If selected, this check box indicates that the vendor employees associated with the charge line must be authorized for International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) restricted items.

Security Clearance System ID

This field displays the security clearance required for the vendor employees associated with the charge line.

Security Clearance Description

This field displays the description of the security clearance that the vendor employees associated with the charge line need to have.

Security Clearance Level

This field displays the level of security clearance that the vendor employees associated with the charge line need to have. This field indicates whether the level is Confidential, L Clearance, Q Clearance, Secret, or Top Secret.


If selected, this check box indicates that the security clearance of the vendor employees associated with the charge line has to be cleared for Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI).


If selected, this check box indicates that the security clearance of the vendor employees associated with the charge line has to be cleared for Special Access Program (SAP).

Issuing Agency

This field displays the name of the agency that issued the security clearance for the vendor employees associated with the charge line.


Subtask Description
WA PO Line Charges Click this link to open the WA PO Line Charges subtask to view miscellaneous charges to the PO line associated with the charge line.
Line SOW Click this link to open the Line SOW subtask to view the statement of work (SOW) for the PO line associated with the charge line.
Remaining PO Line Status Click this link to open the Remaining PO Line Status subtask to view the remaining amount and quantity for the PO line associated with the charge line.
Vendor Employees Click this link to open the Vendor Employees subtask to view vendor employees who can charge against the work assignment charge line.
Currency Line Click this link to open the Currency Line subtask to view information related to the transaction and functional currencies of the charge line.
Charge Line Notes Click this link to open the Charge Line Notes subtask to view notes specific to the entire charge line.
Link SCI/SAP Security Codes Click this link to open the Link SCI/SAP Security Codes subtask to view SCI/SAP security codes linked to the security clearance requirements of vendor employees associated with the charge line.
Charge Line Error/Warning Messages Click this link to open the Charge Line Error/Warning Messages subtask to view the list of error and/or warning messages associated with the charge line upon approval.
Invoices Click this link to open the Invoices subtask to view information on the subcontractor invoice created for this work assignment charge line.
Open Vchrs Ln Click this link to open the Open Vchrs Ln subtask to view information about the open vouchers.
Vchr Hist Ln Click this link to open the Vchr Hist Ln subtask to view information about the voucher history by line.