WA PO Line Charges Subtask

Use this subtask of the Charges subtask to view miscellaneous charges to the purchase order (PO) line associated with the charge line you selected on the Charges subtask.

All fields are display-only and cannot be edited.


Field Description
Work Assignment ID

This field displays the work assignment ID.

Work Assignment Description

This field displays the work assignment description.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the work assignment.


This field displays the vendor number to which the purchase order is issued.


This field displays the PO ID.


This field displays the release number for the PO.


This field displays the charge line number.


This field displays the description of the charge line item.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the charge line.

PO Line

This field displays the PO line number.

Table Window

Field Description

This field displays the charge type for the PO line charge.


This field displays the description of the charge type.


This field displays the additional charge amount for this line charge.

Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This field displays the sales tax or value-added tax (VAT) amount for this line charge. If there is a tax/VAT code on the Charges subtask, Costpoint automatically calculates this amount as Amount multiplied by Tax Rate.

Total Amount

This field displays the total amount for this line charge. Costpoint calculates it as Amount plus Sales Tax/VAT Amt.

Apply Discount

If selected, this check box indicates that the discount rate specified on the Charges subtask applies to this line charge.