Contents of the Manage Taxable Entity Links Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Taxable Entity Links Screen.


Field Description
Taxable Entity

Enter, or click to select, the taxable entity to which the company links apply. The taxable entity must exist in the Taxable Entity table. Taxable entities are set up in the Set Up Company screen.

Group Code

Enter a code that represents the grouping of Internet links for the specified taxable entity. This value must be unique for the taxable entity. This field is required. You cannot edit this field in queried records.

Enter a description in the untitled field to the right for the grouping of Internet links. The value entered in this field is the title that is displayed in the ESS 3.1 Company Links page. This field is required.

Group Order

Enter a number from 0 to 99 to specify the order in which the company link group is displayed in the ESS 3.1 Company Links page. This field is required and must be unique for the specified taxable entity.

Company Links

Use this table window to specify the Internet links to which employees of the specified taxable entity have access.

Field Description

Enter a number from 0 to 99 to represent the order in which this link displays under the group description on the ESS Company Links page. This field is required and must be unique in this table window.

Link Title

Enter a title to represent the Internet link address on the ESS Company Links page. This title displays in the ESS Company Links page, rather than the actual Internet address.

Link Address

Enter the Internet address to which the employees of the specified taxable entity have access.

Link Notes

Enter notes that you want to display next to the link title on the ESS Company Links page.