Contents of the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

Use the fields in this block to select the timesheet cycle and the timesheet date for which to create auto-pay timesheets.

Timesheet Cycle

Field Description

This field always displays One.


Enter, or click to select, the alphanumeric timesheet cycle code for which you want to create auto-pay timesheets. This is a required field.

Timesheet Date

Field Description

This field always displays One.


Enter, or click to select, the timesheet date to be used on the auto-pay timesheets.

Transaction Currency

You can only use the following fields if Multicurrency functionality is enabled in the Configure Labor Settings screen.

Field Description

From the drop-down list, select whether All or One of the transaction currencies will be part of the selection criteria.


Enter the Transaction Currency for which auto-pay timesheets shall be created. If a Transaction currency is specified, then auto-pay timesheets will only be created for employees that have a Currency (as of the screen Timesheet Date) equal to the Transaction Currency specified on this screen.


Field Description
Employee Eligibility Method

Use this drop-down list to select the employees for whom you would like to create auto-pay timesheets. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to create timesheets for all employees in the selected cycle.
  • Without Timesheets: Select this option to create timesheets for all employees in the selected cycle who do not have regular timesheets entered.
  • Eligible Without Timesheets: Select this option to create timesheets for all eligible employees, as defined on the Manage Employee Information screen, in the selected cycle who do not have regular timesheets entered.

All is the default.

Pay Class

Use this group box to include hourly and/or salaried employees when creating auto-pay timesheets. You must select at least one check box in this group box.


Select this check box to include hourly employees when creating auto-pay timesheets.


Select this check box to include salaried employees when creating auto-pay timesheets.

Auto-Pay Timesheet Information

Accounting Period

Use the fields in this group box to select the fiscal year, period, and subperiod for which the auto-pay timesheets are created.

Field Description
Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year to which this timesheet will be assigned. This is a required field.


Enter, or click to select, the accounting period to which this timesheet will be assigned. This is a required field.


Enter, or click to select, the subperiod within the selected accounting period to which this timesheet will be assigned. This is a required field.


Field Description

Enter the number of hours to be used in the labor cost calculation.


Select this check box to auto-adjust timesheets. You cannot auto-adjust a timesheet that has been prorated.

Auto-Adjust %

Enter the percentage rate with which to auto-adjust the timesheets. This field is enabled only if you selected the Auto-Adjust check box.

Prorate Salaried Employees

Select this check box to prorate timesheets for salaried employees that were hired or terminated during this timesheet cycle. This check box is enabled only if you selected Days per Cycle as your Calculation Method in the Prorate Options group box on the Configure Labor Settings screen.

You can use this feature only for regular or correcting timesheets.

Hourly employees cannot be prorated. Vacation time is handled the same way as work time. Holiday time is not included.

You cannot use this function on an auto-adjusted timesheet.

The application excludes from the day count any days where the only pay types designated are:

  • Cost Only
  • Benefit Reimbursement
  • Reimbursement — Exclude from Gross Earnings
  • Leave Without Pay (LWOP)
  • Leave Without Pay (LWOP) – Negative
  • Severance

Timesheet Line Defaults

Screen Default Usage

Field Description
Use the defaults on this screen as first level of default

Select this check box to use the project, account, organization and/or pay type specified on this screen as a first level of default, rather than the values from the Manage Employee Information and Manage Employee Salary Information screens, when building the auto-pay timesheet lines.

All other default values for the auto-pay timesheet line come from the Default tab on the Manage Employee Information and the Employee Salary Information screen. If a default project is specified on the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets screen, the other timesheet line values default from the following levels of default:

  • Create Auto-Pay Timesheets
  • Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Project Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Employee Information - Default tab
  • Manage Employee Salary Information

If a default project is not specified on the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets screen, the timesheet line values default from the following levels of default:

  • Create Auto-Pay Timesheets
  • Manage Employee Information - Default tab
  • Manage Employee Salary Information

If you are a multi-state Payroll user (the Enable > Multi-State Tax Withholding check box is selected on the Pay Periods screen) and a default project is supplied from the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets screen, Costpoint obtains the withholding state using the following levels of default:

  • Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Project Timesheet Defaults
  • Manage Employee Taxes

If a project is not specified in the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets screen, the withholding state defaults from the Manage Employee Taxes screen.

Use the defaults on this screen as last level of default

Select this check box to use the project, account, organization, and pay type specified on the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets screen as the final level of default. The Default tab on the Manage Employee Information screen and the Manage Employee Salary Information screen are higher levels of defaults for those four values.

  • If a default project is specified on the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen, that value is used to populate the auto-pay timesheet line project. If a default project is not assigned to the employee on the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen, the default project provided on the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets screen is used to populate the auto-pay timesheet line project
  • If a default organization is specified on the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen, that value is used to populate the auto-pay timesheet line organization. If a default organization is not assigned to the employee on the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen, the employee's home organization from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen is used to populate the auto-pay timesheet line organization. If no default can be found on either the Manage Employee Information screen or the Manage Employee Salary Information screen, the organization default provided on the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets screen is used to populate the auto-pay timesheet line organization.
  • If a default pay type is specified on the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen, that value is used to populate the auto-pay timesheet line account. If a default pay type is not assigned to the employee on the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen, the default pay type provided on the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets screen is used to populate the auto-pay timesheet line pay type.
  • All other default values for the auto-pay timesheet line come from the Default tab of the Manage Employee Information screen and the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.
  • If you are a multi-state Payroll user (the Enable Multi-State Tax Withholding check box is selected on the Manage Pay Periods screen) and a default project, account, organization and pay type are assigned on either the Manage Employee Information screen or the Manage Employee Salary Information screen, the withholding state defaults from the Manage Employee Taxes screen. If the project, account, organization and pay type default from the Create Auto-Pay Timesheets screen, Costpoint obtains the withholding state using the following levels of default:
    • Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults
    • Manage Employee Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults
    • Manage Labor-Group Proj-Acct-Group Timesheet Defaults
    • Manage Project Timesheet Defaults
    • Manage Employee Taxes

Enter the default project to which the timesheets will be charged, or click to select one.


Enter the default account to which the timesheets will be charged, or click to select one.


Enter the default organization to which the timesheets will be charged, or click to select one.

Pay Type

Enter the default pay type code on which to base labor cost calculation, or click to select one. This is an alphanumeric code.


Click and select Create Auto-Pay Timesheets to begin the timesheet creation process. The journal must have already been printed (while you are still in this application) for this icon to be enabled.


Click and select Print/Process > Auto-Pay Timesheets to start the process of printing the journal, which then continues immediately (without user intervention) into the timesheet creation process.