Contents of the Update Job Queue Status Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Update Job Queue Status screen.

Job Servers

Use this table window to view all available job servers used by Costpoint. When you select a job server in this table window, you can view all available queues assigned to that job server in the Assigned Job Queues table window.

Field Description
Server Name

This field displays the name of this job server (which is a predetermined installation name assigned to the BEA WebLogic server).


This field displays whether a job server is currently Running or Not Running.

Assigned Job Queues

Use the fields in this table window to view job queue status and to make one or more queues active for the job server.

Field Description
Job Queue

This field displays the identification code for this job queue.

Active for Server

Select this check box to enable this job queue for the selected job server.

Process Sequentially

This field displays Y if this job queue processes jobs sequentially. Otherwise, this field displays N.

Use Parallel SQL

This field displays Y if this job queue uses parallel SQL functionality. Otherwise, this field displays N.