Contents of the Approval Workflow Email Messages Screen
Use the fields to configure the Approval Workflow Email Messages screen.
For the default template, all fields on this screen are not editable. When you click New or Copy on the application toolbar to create custom templates, you can enter or modify values in all of the fields.
The following table lists the variables you can use in these fields and the values that replace them in the actual email messages routed to the users.
Variable | Value |
&wfName | Workflow name |
&wfCase | Workflow case number |
&appId | Application ID |
&appName | Application name |
&approveUser | Name of the user who approved activity |
&rejectUser | Name of the user who rejected activity |
&rsId | Result set (screen) ID |
&rsName | Result set (screen) name |
&activityName | Actual activity (task) name |
&activityInstructions | Actual activity (task) instructions |
&roleName | Role name (for escalated message, it will be an escalate role) |
&addTime | Additional time assigned |
&approveUrl(Click here to approve) | Approve link. This will be generated as an <a> html tag with text inside parentheses shown in the email, and the approve URL as a link. |
&openUrl(Click here to open record in Costpoint) | Open link. This will be generated as an <a> html tag with text inside parentheses shown in the email, and the open URL as a link. |
&nameValuePairs | List of entity properties set to be shown in the email, together with their values |
&actionText | Since email messages are sent for different approval actions, this field defines configurable texts for each of these actions: Assigned, Additional Time Assigned, Escalated, and Delegated. Define the actual text for these actions in the fields in the Action Text - &actionText group box. |
Approval Email Message
Use this section to specify the subject text and message body of your workflow email messages.
Field | Description |
Message ID | Enter the identifier for the email message template. |
From Email Address | Enter the email address to use as the email message From element in all notifications. |
Email Subject Text | Enter the text to use as the email subject. |
Notification Tabs
Ten tabs, one for each notification type, contain customizable text templates for the messages that are sent as notifications. You can format the message body text with standard HTML coding. The message body can contain any text and variables inserted directly by framework to compose a specific email message instance. See examples below:
- Bold — <b>text</b>
- Italics — <i>text</i>
- Underline — <u>text</u>
- Indent — <blockquote>text</blockquote>
- Thematic break — <hr>
Customize the text templates for the following notifications:
Field | Description |
Assigned | Enter the text to display on email messages to the assigned user when the activity is first assigned to them. |
Additional Time | Enter the text to display on email messages that will notify the role user when the assigned time for approval expires, and additional time is assigned. |
Escalated | Enter the text to display on email messages that will notify the Escalate to role when activity approval is escalated. |
Other Escalated | Enter the text to display on email messages that will notify all currently assigned role users that the activity has been escalated to a specific role user. |
Delegated | Enter the text to display on email messages that will notify the Delegate to role when an activity is assigned through delegation. |
Other Delegated | Enter the text to display on email messages that will notify all currently assigned role users that the activity has been delegated. |
Approved | Enter the text to display on email messages that will notify all currently assigned role users that an activity has been approved. |
Rejected | Enter the text to display on email messages that will notify all currently assigned role users that the activity has been rejected. |
WF Completed | Enter the text to display on email messages that will notify all participants that the workflow is completed. |
WF Rejected | Enter the text to display on email messages that will notify all participants that the workflow is rejected. |
Parent Topic: Approval Workflow Email Messages