Contents of the Non-Labor Detail Screen

Use this screen to run Project Non-Labor Detail report in Costpoint Planning.

The report displays a detailed analysis of non-labor costs associated with the selected project. The detail tables contain descriptive information from GL detail, including details for the transaction posted against that project and GL Account for that accounting period.


Field Description

This field displays the current date.

YTD Ending

Click to select a period end date.


Select this check box to display combined lower level project details in the grid.

Field Description
Project ID

Enter the project ID, or click to select it.

Note: You must provide information for all enabled fields in order for the report to run as expected, else an error message displays.


After you select the Project ID and set other report options, click to execute and populate the grid.

To display lower level details, choose from the following links:

  • Header: Click this link to display project information for top level direct projects.
  • Non Labor Detail: Click this link to display non- labor details at the next level down.
Field Description
Expand All

Click this button to expand grid information.

Collapse All

Click this button to collapse grid information.