Employees Subtask
If you are an intracompany vendor (performing company that provides services to a contracting company), use this subtask to add, delete, or manage your employees who will we working on the intracompany work assignment. The contracting company will only be able to view the records on this subtask.
This subtask is available only if Work Assignment Type is Subcontractor Agreement Intracompany on the main screen of Manage Work Assignments. The intracompany vendor can add, delete, and edit records, but the contracting company can only view records on this subtask. Records saved on this subtask are stored in the WA_EMPL table.
Additional rules that apply on this subtask include the following:
- When new records are saved on this subtask for the intracompany vendor, Costpoint also saves those records as vendor employees for the contracting company (in the VEND_EMPL table).
- If the intracompany vendor removes an employee on this subtask, Costpoint does not delete the employee from VEND_EMPL table and instead sets it to Inactive.
- If the intracompany vendor adds back a previously deleted employee, the employee record's status is set to Active.
- Only employees added to this subtask can charge the work assignment in their timesheet and expenses in Costpoint Time & Expense. If an intracompany vendor employee is not assigned to any work assignment, that employee will not see the Work Assignment ID field/column in Time & Expense.
This table window displays employees of the intracompany vendor.
Use the scroll bar on the right side of the table window to scroll through the list of employees. You can also click
on the table window toolbar to search for an employee.
Select (highlight) an employee to link to the work assignment, and click the Select button. You can select one at a time by clicking in a row. To select more than one, click the mouse and drag it down. To select multiple rows where they are not consecutive, press the SHIFT key on your keyboard while you click in the additional rows.
Field | Description |
Employee | This column displays the ID of the employees available to work on the work assignment. |
Employee Name | This column displays the name of each employee in the Employee column. |
Home Organization | This column displays the home organization of each employee in the Employee column. |
Status | This column displays the status of each employee in the Employee column. |
Select | Once you have highlighted employees in the Employees table window, click this button to move them to the Selected Employees table window. |
Selected Employees
This table window displays the employees that you selected from the Employees table window, but you can also manually add records by clicking
To deselect employees, select (highlight) the row or rows that you want to remove, and click
on the table window toolbar. The deleted accounts move back to the Employee table window.
Field | Description |
Employee | This column displays the ID of the employees selected to work on the work assignment. |
Employee Name | This column displays the name of each employee in the Employee column. |
Home Organization | This column displays the home organization of each employee in the Employee column. |