Revenue Info Subtask

Use this subtask of the Manage Project Revenue Calculation Value History screen to view or modify the revenue calculation values and goal multipliers in the audit tables for the project specified on the main screen. However, you cannot change the revenue formula used for the project.

This subtask is populated with information generated by the Compute Revenue process if you have run Compute Revenue for this project.

Revenue Info

Field Description
Revenue Formula

This field displays the revenue formula used for this project. Valid values are:

  • BACKLOG (Contract Value Less Backlog)
  • CIMR (Labor Cost times Multiplier Plus Non-labor times Multiplier (Hours))
  • COSTIMR (Labor Cost Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Times Multiplier (Cost))
  • CPFC (Cost Plus Fee On Cost)
  • CPFCCMF (Cost Plus Fee on Cost Current Month Fee)
  • CPFH (Fee on Hours Plus Cost Incurred)
  • CVPC (Contract Value Times Percent Complete)
  • CVPCVSE (Contract Value Times % Complete Vs. Rate Schedule)
  • EAC (Cost Incurred using Estimate At Completion (Contract Value))
  • ETBAR (Equal To Billings After Retainage)
  • ETBBR (Equal To Billings Before Retainage)
  • ETC (Cost Incurred using Estimate To Complete (Contract Value))
  • ETD (Equal To Deliveries)
  • ETPL (Equal To Project Ledger Sales)
  • FACTD (Fixed Amount Contract To Date)
  • FAMTD (Fixed Amount Month To Date)
  • FAYTD (Fixed Amount Year To Date)
  • FVEAC (Cost Incurred using Estimate At Completion (Funded Value))
  • FVETC (Cost Incurred using Estimate To Complete (Funded Value))
  • FVPC (Funded Value Times Percent Complete)
  • ITDCPFC (ITD Fee on Cost)
  • LLR (Loaded Labor Rate)
  • LLRBFNBF (Loaded Labor Rate W/Burden W/Fee Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee)
  • LLRCINBF (Loaded Labor Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee)
  • LLRCINL (Loaded Labor Rate Plus Cost Incurred On Non-labor (T&M))
  • LLRCINLB (Loaded Labor Plus Non-labor Plus Burden on Non-labor)
  • LLRFNLBF (Loaded Labor Rate W/Fee Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee)
  • NONE (Do Not Compute)
  • RSMNLM (Rate Schedule times Multiplier Plus Non-labor times Multiplier)
  • UNIT (Unit Revenue Only)
Revenue Calculation Value

Revenue Calculation Value is displayed as a series of not more than three fields. The descriptions of these fields change based on the Revenue Formula. Some formulas use only one field; other formulas use two or three fields. If a formula does not use the Revenue Calculation Value, these fields do not display.

For example, if Revenue Formula is Cost Plus Fee On Cost, the fields are titled Labor Fee Percent and Non-labor Fee Percent. These fields display the values (fee percentages in this example) as generated by the Compute Revenue process. You can change these values or enter values in these fields for new records.

Allow Revenue to Exceed Value

If selected, this check box indicates that the revenue was allowed to exceed the value of the project that was computed and posted. This check box is editable.

By How Much?

This field is available only if the Allow Revenue to Exceed Value check box is selected.

For new records or if you want to change the value in this field, enter the amount by which the contract or funded value ceiling can be exceeded.

Goal Multiplier

These multipliers are used to calculate the billing value of project costs incurred.

Field Description

This field displays the goal multiplier for labor costs for this project. You can modify this field.

For new records, the default is 1.000; if you accept this default, the billing value amount is equal to costs with no additional markup.


This field displays the goal multiplier for non-labor costs for this project. Non-labor multipliers are applied to non-labor amounts spent (excluding applied overhead amounts). You can modify this field.

For new records, the default is 1.000; if you accept this default, the billing value amount is equal to costs with no additional markup.


Subtask Description
ITD Revenue Adjustments Click this link to open the ITD Revenue Adjustments subtask to view or update the prior and/or current year revenue adjustment amounts in the audit tables for this project.