Info Tab

When creating a project budget, use this tab to define various budgeting attributes that control your budget.

For example, you can budget using labor costs or labor bill rates (T&M), unit costs, or unit price rates.

You can set up the items in the Labor Budgeting and Unit Budgeting group boxes the first time you access this subtask. After you save this subtask, you cannot modify these settings for this project budget. You can modify the other settings in this subtask after the initial save.

You can use the items in the Save Function group box (for baseline budgets on this screen) only once if you selected the Freeze on Save Baseline Budget checkbox on the Configure Project Budget Settings screen. Use this save function only after you are satisfied with the baseline budget.

Warning: After you select the Freeze on Save Baseline Budget checkbox in the Advanced Budget Settings screen and make a selection in the Save Function group box in this screen, all settings are locked and cannot be modified.

If your budget is a workplan, you can save it as many times as needed.


Field Description
Contract Amount

This non-editable field displays the total contract value for the selected project. This value comes from the Manage Modifications screen. This field changes as modifications or approved change orders are made for a project. If you did not select the Freeze Workplan Budget checkbox in the Save Function group box, the Contract Amount is recalculated when the budget is modified or an approved change order is made for this project.

If you selected the Freeze Workplan Budget checkbox, the Contract Amount does not recalculate for budget modifications and approved change orders. All modifications to the total project amount are adjusted through the undistributed budget account. Select this account on the Configure Project Budget Settings screen.

Budget Total

This field displays the total budget from the Total Budget tab.

Burden Template

Use the drop-down list to select the burden template to use for this project. These templates are created on the Manage Burden Templates screen. This field is optional and the program uses it to select a burden rate for rows on the Labor and Direct subtasks. The burden rate created in the burden template is used to multiply cost amounts (in the Direct and Labor subtasks) to arrive at a burden amount for each subtask row on the Direct or Labor subtasks for this project.

General Preferences

Field Description
Active Budget

Select this checkbox to designate the selected project as an active budget. You can have only one baseline budget per project. You can have multiple workplan budgets if you selected the Allow Workplan Budgets checkbox on the Configure Project Budget Settings screen. If you select a different workplan budget for the same project, the previously selected workplan budget is automatically cleared. The default for this checkbox is selected.

Indirect Subtask

Select this checkbox to recompute the overhead/burden by cost pool and fiscal year, for U.S. Federal contract compliance. Selecting this checkbox does NOT affect the burdening of a project when you use a burden template. The default for this checkbox is selected.

If you select this checkbox and click the Recalculate button on the Total Budget tab, new columns are inserted in the Indirect subtask to accommodate the hours-based pool rates and hours-based COM rates.

Budget by Period

Select this checkbox to enable period budgeting. When this checkbox is selected, the Period No, Fiscal Year, and Unallocated Amt columns on the Fees, Units, Labor, and Direct subtasks are displayed. If you do not select this checkbox, the Spread, Move, and Escalate (right mouse button) functions are not available. The default for this checkbox is selected.

Disable Summary Rows

This checkbox is available only when the Budget by Period checkbox is selected. Selecting the Disable Summary Rows checkbox disables all summary information when period budgeting is enabled.

Subtask Multiplier Info

Use the fields in this group box to select the multiplier you would like to use on various cost types.

Field Description
Direct - Target Multiplier

Enter the target multiplier rate for this project budget. The multiplier entered in this screen is the default in the Direct subtask, but can be modified. A multiplier is used to mark up the budget amount to calculate a profit on a row-by-row basis.

Direct - Multiplier Method

Select the multiplier method to use on the Direct subtask. You can select this multiplier method only in this field.  The methods are:

  • Use Multiplier on Budget Amt: Select this method if your multiplier includes the project's burden rate, or if there is no burden rate for this project. This method marks up raw costs.
  • Use Multiplier on Burdened Bud Amount: Select this method if your multiplier does not include your burden rate, or if you want to calculate profit on burdened (no burden in units) or loaded costs.
  • Use Multiplier on Rvsd Budget Amt: Select this method to mark up budget amounts, including change orders.
Labor - Target Multiplier

Enter the target multiplier rate for this project budget. The multiplier entered on this screen is the default in the Labor subtask, but can be modified.

Labor - Multiplier Method

Select the multiplier method to use on the Labor subtask. Valid options are:

  • Use Multiplier on Budget Amt
  • Use Multiplier on Burdened Bud Amount
  • Use Multiplier on Rvsd Budget Amt
Units - Target Multiplier

Enter the target multiplier rate for this project budget. The multiplier entered on this screen is the default in the Units subtask, but can be modified.

Units - Multiplier Method

Select the multiplier method to use on the Units subtask. Valid options are:

  • Use Multiplier on Budget Amt
  • Use Multiplier on Burdened Bud. Amount
  • Use Multiplier on Rvsd Budget Amt

On Change of Multiplier and/or Multiplier Method

The options in this group box determine whether or not the Multiplier field on the Direct, Labor, and Units subtasks will be updated when you click the Recalculate button on the Total Budget tab if either Target Multiplier or Multiplier Method is changed in the Subtask Multiplier Info group box of the Info tab.

The available options are:

  • Update Multipliers on All Detail Rows:  Select this option to update the Multiplier value on all detail rows for the affected subtask(s) to be the Target Multiplier if you change Target Multiplier and/or Multiplier Method. The budget amounts on the subtask(s) will then be recalculated using that new multiplier.
  • Update Multipliers on Detail Rows Only Where Detail Multiplier Matches Original Multiplier: Select this option to update the Multiplier value on any detail rows for the affected subtask(s) to be the Target Multiplier if these two conditions are met:
  • You change Target Multiplier and/or Multiplier Method.
  • The value of the Multiplier field in the detail row matches the original value of Target Multiplier.

    The budget amounts on the subtask(s) will then be recalculated using that new multiplier. This will allow you to update any multipliers that matched the original value without updating any multipliers that may have been edited to be a different value.

  • Do Not Update Multipliers on Any Detail Rows – Select this option to retain the original Multiplier values on all detail rows for the affected subtask(s) whether or not you change Target Multiplier and/or Multiplier Method. Recalculation of budget amounts, if required, will be done on that basis.

For example, if you change Multiplier Method on the Direct line in the Subtask Multiplier Info group box, and you select Update Multiplier on All Detail Rows, then the Multiplier value on all detail rows on the Direct subtask will be updated to the Target Multiplier value, and the amounts on that subtask will be recalculated accordingly. Any previously saved edits to the Multiplier value in the detail rows will be overwritten. The Labor and Units subtasks will not be affected if neither Target Multiplier nor Multiplier Method for the Labor and Unit lines was not changed.

Field Description
Compute Profit on COM

Select this checkbox to compute profit on any Cost of Money amounts. This checkbox is enabled only if you entered a burden template for this project in the Burden Template field.

Owning Organization

This non-editable field displays the owning organization from the Total Budget tab.

Labor Budgeting

Note: The options in this group box are enabled during the initial setup of a project budget. After you save this tab, you cannot modify the method of Labor Budgeting. Plan your budget based on the type of labor your project actually incurs.
Field Description
Labor Cost

Select this option to use cost budgeting for all labor amounts on this project budget. This option is the default. Use this option to develop a cost plus project budget.

T&M Labor

Select this option to budget using bill rates or T&M rates on all labor categories. This selection multiplies the total hours by the billing rates set in the Projects domain to calculate the budget amount. If you select this option and maintain bill rate tables and cost rate tables in the Projects domain, Costpoint automatically calculates your cost budget for reporting purposes only.

T&M Revenue and Cost

Select this option to compute revenue in a manner similar to the budgeting method for the T&M Labor option. However, the labor cost is calculated by multiplying the Average Cost Rate for that PLC or GLC times the entered budgeted labor hours on the Labor subtask. You can also enter an amount in the Cost Budget Amount or Revenue Budget Amount columns (on the Labor subtask) that calculates the Budgeted Hours and Total Hours based on the Average Cost Rate and T&M Rate. Selecting this option disables the Labor Target Multiplier and Multiplier Method columns.

Unit Budgeting

Use the options in this group box to select your unit budgeting method.

Note: After you save this tab, you cannot modify the method of unit budgeting. Please plan your budget based on the type of units your project actually incurs.
Field Description
Unit Cost

Select this option to use unit cost budgeting for all unit amounts on this project budget. This option is the default. Select this option to develop a cost plus project budget.

Unit Price

Select this option to budget using unit price rates. This is similar to a T&M rate. Select this option for revenue budgeting. This process takes total unit quantity and multiplies it by the unit price rate defaulted from the CLIN or Price Catalog tables. You can override this rate by entering an alternate rate in the Cost Per Unit column in the Units subtask.

Save Function

If this group box is disabled, you can activate both checkboxes, respectively, by selecting the Freeze on Save Baseline Budget checkbox or the Freeze Workplan Total Budget Amount checkbox on the Configure Project Budget Settings screen.

Warning: Do not select the Freeze on Save Baseline Budget checkbox until you have carefully reviewed the budget. After you select this checkbox and save the baseline budget, you cannot modify it.
Field Description
Freeze Baseline Budget

If this checkbox is selected, you cannot edit the baseline budget after it has been saved. This feature is used to secure an approved baseline budget from modifications. However, if the Update Baseline Budget with Approved COs checkbox is selected on the Configure Project Budget Settings screen, you can update the budget by entering approved change orders on the Manage Change Orders screen.

You can use the Clone feature on any saved baseline budget to create a copy for alternate workplan budgeting scenarios.

Freeze Workplan Budget

If this checkbox is selected, you can make edits to the Fees, Units, Labor, and Direct subtasks but not to the total budget amount.  However, if the Update Workplan Budget with Appproved COs checkbox is selected in the Configure Project Budget Settings screen, you can update the budget by entering approved change orders on the Manage Change Orders screen.

Period Of Performance

The non-editable fields in this group box display the period of performance that was entered on the Manage Modifications screen.

Field Description
Start Date

This non-editable field displays the start date for this project. This date is entered for the project on the Manage Modifications screen.

End Date

This non-editable field displays the end date for this project. This date is entered for the project on the Manage Modifications screen.

ETC Options

Field Description
Use Labor ETC

Select this checkbox to show Estimates to Complete (ETC) by hours, rather than amounts, for either labor category or employee vendor level. To show ETC by amounts, use the Estimate to Complete subtask. You must select this checkbox to enable the Labor ETC subtask.

Labor ETC Options

Field Description
Labor Category Level

Select this option to forecast by PLCs and GLCs.

Employee/Vendor Level

Select this option to forecast by employee vendor level.

Use Rate

Select this checkbox to calculate labor rates on the Labor ETC subtask on the Estimate to Complete subtask. If you select this checkbox, the loaded labor rates plus change orders is the total budget amount. The ETC computation is based on budgeted hours less incurred hours times the loaded labor rate.