Contents of the Manage Accounts Payable Voucher Suspense Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Accounts Payable Voucher Suspense screen.

Accounts Payable Voucher Suspense

Use the following fields to specify how you want the preprocessor to handle accounts that fail validation.

Field Description
If Account fails replace

Select one of the following settings from the drop-down list:

  • Account: Select this setting to replace an invalid account with the project or non-project account entered in the Replacement Values block. Only the account is replaced; the remaining information on the row is subjected to normal validation procedures. If you select this method, you must enter a project and a non-project account in the Replacement Values block.
  • Account/Organization: Select this setting to replace an invalid account and organization with the account and organization entered in the Replacement Values block. When you save your selections, Costpoint verifies that they are linked in the Organization Account table. If you select this setting, you must also select it in all other applicable fields.
  • Project/Account/Organization: Select this setting to replace an invalid project/account/organization with the project account, non-project account, organization, and project entered in the Replacement Values block. If it is a non-project account, only the account/organization is replaced. When you save your selections, Costpoint verifies that these items are linked appropriately. If you select this setting, you must also select it in all other applicable fields.
  • No Substitution: If you select this setting, Costpoint selects those records that fail validation because of an account and writes them to the error file without uploading them. If you entered a project or non-project account in the Replacement Values block, it is not used.
If Organization fails replace

Select one of the following settings from the drop-down list:

  • Org: Select this setting to replace an invalid organization with the organization entered in the Replacement Values block. Only the organization is replaced; the remaining information on the row is subjected to normal validation procedures.
  • Account/Organization: Select this setting to replace an invalid account and the organization with the account and organization entered in the Replacement Values block. When you save your selections, Costpoint verifies that they are linked in the Org Account table. If you select this setting, you must also select it in all other applicable fields.
  • Project/Account/Organization: Select this setting to replace an invalid project/account/organization with the project account, non-project account, organization, and project entered in the Replacement Values block. Only the account/organization is replaced in the case of a non-project account. When you save your selections, Costpoint verifies that these items are linked appropriately. If you select this setting, you must also select it in all other applicable fields.
  • No Substitution: If you select this setting, Costpoint selects those records that fail validation because of an organization and writes them to the error file without uploading them. If you entered an organization in the Replacement Values block, it is not used.
If Project fails replace

Select one of the following settings from the drop-down list:

  • Project: Select this setting to replace any invalid project with the project entered in the Replacement Values block. Only the project is replaced; the remaining information on the row is subjected to normal validation procedures.
  • Project/Account/Organization: Select this setting to replace an invalid project/account/organization with the project account, non-project account, organization, and project entered in the Replacement Values block. If you select this setting, you must also select it in all other applicable fields.
  • No Substitution: If you select this setting, Costpoint selects those records that fail validation because of a project and writes them to the error file without uploading them. If you entered a project in the Replacement Values block, it is not used.
If PLC fails replace

This field does not display if you are importing data from Deltek Expense.

Select one of the following settings from the drop-down list:

  • PLC: Select this setting to replace the invalid Project Labor Category (PLC) with the PLC entered in the Replacement Values block. Only the PLC is replaced; the remaining information on the row is subjected to normal validation procedures.
  • PLC/Project: Select this setting to replace an invalid PLC and project with the project and PLC entered in the Replacement Values block. Costpoint checks the Project Labor Category table to see whether the PLC/Project is valid.
  • PLC, then Project: Select this setting to replace the PLC with the PLC in the Replacement Values block. If the new combination does not pass validation, the preprocessor replaces the project as well. Costpoint also verifies that the project and PLC are in the Project Labor Category table.
  • No Substitution: If you select this setting, Costpoint selects those records that fail validation because of a PLC and writes them to the error file without uploading them. If you entered a PLC in the Replacement Values block, it is not used.
If Acct/Org combination fails replace

Select one of the following settings from the drop-down list:

  • Account: Select this setting to replace the invalid account with the project or non-project account entered in the Replacement Values block. Only the account is replaced; the remaining information on the row is subjected to normal validation procedures.
  • Organization: Select this setting to replace the invalid organization with the organization entered in the Replacement Values block. Only the organization is replaced; the remaining information on the row is subjected to normal validation procedures.
  • Account, then Organization: Select this setting to replace the account with the account entered in the Replacement Values block. If the new account/organization combination does not pass validation, the preprocessor also replaces the organization. Costpoint verifies that the accounts and organizations are linked properly in the Org Account table.
  • Project/Account/Organization: Select this setting to replace the project/account/organization with the project account, non-project account, organization, and project entered in the Replacement Values block. If you select this setting, you must also select it in all other applicable fields.
  • Account/Organization: Select this setting to replace both the account and organization with the project account, a non-project account, and organization entered in the Replacement Values block. When you save your selections, Costpoint verifies that they are linked in the Org Account table. If you select this setting, you must also select it in all other applicable fields.
  • Organization, then Account: Select this setting to replace the organization with the organization in the Replacement Values block. If this new combination fails validation, the preprocessor also replaces the account. Costpoint also verifies that the accounts and organizations are linked properly in the Org Account table.
  • No Substitution: If you select this setting, the preprocessor selects those records that fail validation because of an account/organization combination and writes them to the error file without uploading them. If you entered an account/organization combination in the Replacement Values block, it is not used.
If Proj/Acct/Org combination fails replace

Select one of the following settings from the drop-down list:

  • Account: Select this setting to replace the invalid project/account/organization combination with the project or non-project account entered in the Replacement Values block. Only the account is replaced; the remaining information on the row is subjected to normal validation procedures.
  • Organization: Select this setting to replace the organization of the invalid project/account/ organization combination with the organization entered in the Replacement Values block. Only the organization is replaced; the remaining information on the row is subjected to normal validation procedures.
  • Project: Select this setting to replace the project in the invalid project/account/organization combination with the project entered in the Replacement Values block. Only the project is replaced; the remaining information on the row is subjected to normal validation procedures.
  • Account/Organization: Select this setting to replace an invalid account and organization with the project account, non-project account, and organization entered in the Replacement Values block. When you save your selections, Costpoint verifies that they are linked in the Org Account table. If you select this setting, you must also select it in all other applicable fields.
  • Project/Account/Organization: Select this setting to replace the project/account/organization with the project account, non-project account, organization, and project entered in the Replacement Values block. If you select this setting, you must also select it in all other applicable fields.
  • Account/Organization, then Project: Select this setting to replace the account and organization with the project account, non-project account, organization, and project entered in the Replacement Values block. If the record still fails validation, the project is also replaced.
  • Account, then Organization, then Project: Select this setting to replace the account first. If the new combination fails validation, Costpoint replaces the organization and project. If you select this setting, you must enter a project account, a non-project account, an organization, and a project in the Replacement Values block.
  • Organization, then Account, then Project: Select this setting to replace the organization. If that fails validation, then Costpoint replaces the account and project. You must enter a project account, a non-project account, an organization, and a project in the Replacement Values block.
  • No Substitution: If you select this setting, the preprocessor selects those records that fail validation because of a project/account/organization combination and writes them to the error file without uploading them. Costpoint checks to see whether there is a project account, non-project account, organization, and project entered in the Replacement Values block. If any of these are present and are not being used by some other validation method, Costpoint displays a warning message stating that these values will not be used in suspense processing. However, Costpoint does not delete the values.
  • Account, then Project: If you select this setting, the preprocessor replaces the account first. If the new combination fails validation, it replaces the project. Costpoint verifies that a project account, a non-project account, and a project are entered in the Replacement Values block.

Replacement Values

Use the following fields to designate values that Costpoint uses to replace invalid data.

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a valid project ID that the preprocessor uses to replace an invalid project ID. The project ID entered must exist in the Project table.

Project Required Account

Enter, or click to select, a valid project account ID that the preprocessor uses to replace an invalid project account ID. The project account ID must exist in the Account table.

Non-project Required Account

Enter, or click to select, a valid non-project account ID that  that the preprocessor uses to replace an invalid non-project account ID. The non-project account ID must exist in the Account table.


Enter, or click to select, a valid organization ID that  that the preprocessor uses to replace an invalid organization ID. The organization ID must exist in the Org table.

Ref 1, Ref 2

Enter, or click to select, valid reference number IDs for reference 1 and/or reference 2. The preprocessor uses these IDs to replace any invalid reference number IDs. The reference number IDs must exist in the Reference Structure table.


Enter, or click to select, a valid Project Labor Category (PLC) code that the preprocessor uses to replace an invalid PLC code. The PLC code must exist in the Billable Labor Category table. This field does not display if you are importing data from Deltek Expense.


Enter, or click to select, a valid General Labor Category (GLC) code that the preprocessor uses to replace an invalid GLC code. The GLC code must exist in the General Labor Category table. This field does not display if you are importing data from Deltek Expense.