Contents of the Activate/Inactivate Projects Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Activate/Inactivate Projects screen.

Selection Ranges

Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the range of projects you want to activate or inactivate. Valid options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the beginning project for the range you want to process. If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending project for the range you want to process. If you select All or One, or To End in the Option field, this field is inactive.


Project Status

Use this group box to select the status to which you want your projects changed.

Field Description

Select this option to activate your project range.


Select this option to make your project range inactive.


Click to run the toolkit.