Step 6: Print and Review Payroll Edit Reports

After payroll has been computed, you can access the gross pay, withholding, and other deduction information for each employee through the Payroll Edit Report or through the Manage Payroll Records screen.

We suggest that you first print the Payroll Edit Report (Print Payroll Edit Report screen). This provides the easiest way to review each of the records in the Manage Payroll Records screen. When reviewing the report, verify that the employee is receiving the proper amount of gross pay and that the withholdings and deductions were properly computed based on the information you provided in the above tables (Step 1) and based on the number of hours reported on the timesheet. Review leave accrued and taken. Mark corrections as you find them so the corrections can easily be made in the Manage Payroll Records screen. If you discover any payroll variances (for example, gross pay does not equal the total of the pay type amounts), correct them before printing paychecks.